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288 김지윤 Hysteric Subaltern Modernists: James Joyce, Yun Dong-ju, and Us 비교문학 83
287 송우진 Western Expectation of National Allegories in Korean Cinema: (Post-)Colonialist Embodiments in Burning (2018) and Parasite (2019) 문학과 영상 21.3
286 김지윤 Hong Kong’s Identity Crisis in Two Different Mourning: The Secret (1979) and “Losing the City” (1994) 문학과 영상 21.2
285 유현빈, 이석재 A Study on English Vowel Duration with Respect to the Various Characteristics of the Following Consonants 말소리와 음성과학 14.1
284 황수현 Oidipon Kakon: Deconstructing the Gendered Biopolitics of Antigone 영미문학페미니즘 30.1
283 남희정 Thanks to Biden, But No Thanks to Trump: An Analysis of Representations of Biden and Trump in the Democratic Party’s Official Commentary 언어사실과 관점 2022.55
282 Zhu Jing Divine or Devilish: Power behind 'Mother' in the Sci-fi Horror Alien (1979) 영화 연구 91
281 유현빈 한국어 뉴스 인터뷰 대화에서 나타나는 관계 설정의 전환(footing shift) The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 30.1
280 정준영 Victim or Villain? The Racist and Homoerotic Corruption of the Anti-Hero, Iago in Othello 人文科學
279 유현빈 Measuring Lexical Sophistication in Written and Spoken Production by EFL Learners The Journal of Linguistic Science 100