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298 김지윤 “Be Bold” or “Be Not Too Bold”: A Renaissance Dialectic of Jouissance in the House of Busirane*1 영미어문학 143
297 박서희 A Connecticut Yankee’s Individuation: The Collective Unconsciousness of an American Imperialistic Dream 사회언어학 29.3
296 박예은 A Connecticut Yankee’s Individuation: The Collective Unconsciousness of an American Imperialistic Dream 영어영문학 34.3
295 김수연 The Architecture of Loss by Julia Cho: Racialized Violence of the (White) American Family 미국학논집 53.1
294 변자윤 “This verse, that never shall expyre”: Edmund Spenser’s Literary Consciousness and Confidence in Amoretti 현대영어영문학 65.2
293 김지윤 Toward the Planetary Hospitality Beyond the Phallic Jouissance: David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly and Trying to Find Chinatown 현대영미드라마 34.1
292 이혜정 Marie Kondo’s Rhetoric - An Analysis from an Aristotelian Perspective 수사학 40
291 김지윤 Coexisting With Others as Homo Symbiøus: From the Interracial Encounters in The Tiger Factory and Bandhobi 문학과 영상 22.1
290 김민 A Psychoanalytic Reading of Mary Shelley’s Monster and the Death of Victor Frankenstein through the Freudian Concept of Melancholia and Split Ego 동서인문15
289 Deborah Kremer A Different Approach to Feminism: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Rhetoric 수사학 40