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연구클러스터별 7개년 연구계획 상세내역
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  • Date 2020-05-08 17:17:58
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연세대학교 영어영문학과 연구클러스터별 7개년 연구계획 상세내역


영문학 중심의 비교인문학 연구





연구주제 및 개요




<Natural Poetic Form and Imitation in Creative Writing Pedagogy>

 This research plan calls for an examination of concrete poetry through the lens of Giambattista Vicos concept of poetry as imitation of nature. This study begins with an emphasis on play and the importance of the sensoryespecially the auditory (musical)in the poetic theories of Paul Valéry, and their practical and pedagogical application in the poetry classroom by Kenneth Koch. Thus, some attention will be given to methods involving onomatopoeia (e.g., Noise Poems, etc.), as well as to poems which articulate natural and scientific principles, operating on sensory levels in exceptional ways, such as William Carlos Williams (and Charles Demuths) The Great Figure as an expression of Doppler Effect. Exploration of a variety of literary textual-visual collaborations such as Williams and Demuths, as well as the exquisite corpse and imitations in the mode of David Lehmans Poems In The Manner Of (2017) will provide further formal and technical insights into how poetry may be produced through imitation.

유관과목: <Poetics Practicum>


<Calligrammatic Rainforests and Concrete Jungles: Ecocritical Approaches to Poetry as Visual Representation of Nature>

 This study attempts to trace the history, development and possibilities of concrete poetry from George Herbert and Baroque Labyrinth poems through William Blakes illuminations, to Guillaume Apollinaires calligrammes and the concrete poems of Augusto de Campos, Haroldo de Campos and Décio Pignatari, noting how each of their respective forms and inscriptive modes manifest and reflect social and environmental patterns, aesthetics and politics. Particular attention to (1) the line of demarcation between the calligram and concrete poem; and (2) Scott McClouds theories regarding extremist divisions between literary and visual art may well inform the central question of how (and why) such poetic forms have so often been deployed to subvert dominant religious, economic and political paradigms, institutions and power structures.


<Towards a Clean Nuclear Energy of Poetic Content: Splitting (and Fusing) the Radical Atoms of the Chinese Ideograph>

 This book project extends, applies and reexamines the previous studies of sensory, physical qualities of poetic forms and structures as mechanisms of imitation and representation of nature in light of Ezra Pounds assertion that Poetry Speaks Chinese. While Pounds proposition that Chinese characters provide the ideal medium for poetry challenges and complexifies Valérys distinction between ordinary and poetic language in productive ways, it tends to operate at the level of character-as-discrete (classifiable) biological organism. In contrast, Seiichi Niikunis concrete poems deconstruct at the levels of the radical and the stroke the Chinese characters that comprise them, offering promising nanotechnological approaches to unpacking and recomposing Chinese ideographs for radical atomic poetic content in both the EFL and Creative Writing classrooms, as well as for practitioners at large. 

유관과목: <Poetics Practicum>




<모더니즘 개념의 생산과 전지구적 전환>

대학원 수업을 통해 강의해오던 영미 모더니즘 연구 방법론들을 재검토하여 최근에 확장되고 있는 서구 모더니즘 연구의 공과를 검토하고 이를 20세기 전반기의 보편적인 제국/식민지의 관계뿐만 아니라 지역적으로 특수한 일제/식민지 및 남북 분단의 문맥에 이르기까지 개념 문제를 다룬다이에 따라1차 시기는 다음의 세 가지 목표를 설정하여 연구한다.

1) 영미 학계에서 진행되는 새로운 모더니즘 개념 및 담론 검토

2) 제국의 모더니즘과 식민지의 모더니즘 개념 및 담론 비교 연구

3) 식민지해방분단 이후의 세 시기로 구분하여 남·북한의 모더니즘 개념 및 담론에 관한 비교 연구

유관과목: <새로운 모더니즘 연구들전지구적 전환>


<모더니즘 시문학 작품의 생산과 전지구적 순환>

엘리엇김기림스펜더를 중심으로 영미 모더니즘 시문학의 한국 수용에 관한 대학원 수업 및 논문을 쓰는 과정에서 중요하게 설정된 문제틀즉 식민지 조선뿐만 아니라 여타 식민지 국가에서 이루어진 영미 모더니즘 시문학의 수용을 비교 연구하여서구 중심의 지역적 모더니즘 시문학의 추상적 보편성을 탈피하여 20세기 전반기의 제국/식민지라는 문맥 내에서 당대의 구체적 보편성을 확보할 수 있는 모더니즘 담론을 구축할 필요가 있다이에 따라,2차 시기는 다음 세 가지의 목표를 설정하여 연구한다.

1) 영미 모더니즘 시문학 작품의 서구권 및 비-서구권 수용에 관한 연구 방법론 검토

2) 영어권 식민지와 일제 식민지에서 영미 모더니즘 시문학 작품의 수용 방식 비교 연구

3) 영미 모더니즘 시문학 작품을 수용한 20세기 전반기 한국 시인 혹은 영문학자들에 관한 연구

유관과목: <영문학들의 생산과 전지구적 순환>




<The Post-Liberal: Art and Politics at the End of Civilization>

I will write a monograph on the topic of post-liberal culture, which examines the turn away from liberalism in the West. The first chapter will focus on the works of Ernst Jünger and Curzio Malaparte, authors who experienced the Second World War from the standpoint of the Axis powers and who, I argue, were able to anticipate the problems that would erode the legitimacy of postwar liberalism. The second chapter will be dedicated to J. G. Ballard, the British author of speculative fiction, who explores the various ways in which liberal individualism generates the impulse to transgress and overcome the liberal creed. The third chapter will focus on Michel Houellebecq, the French science-fiction novelist, whose themescloning, sexual transgression, cults, the end of masculinity, and mass conversions to Islamdramatize the unraveling of Western civilization. The fourth chapter examines the wide-ranging influence of the American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft on contemporary culture, who has become the object of fear and fascination as a cultural reactionary terrified by the spectacle of civilizational collapse. The fifth chapter explores the phenomenon of sacrifice in recent horror cinema. 

유관과목: <Neoliberalism: Speculating Beyond the End of History>


탈식민주의·다문화주의 연구 클러스터 참조


<The Aristocratic and Its Afterlife>

My work on the concept of aristocracy will be the main concern of the following thee years. I plan to write a monograph on the transformation of the category of the aristocratic in 19th and 20th century Europe, starting from Choderlos de Laclos, and then moving on to Stendhal, Gustave Flaubert, Robert Musil, and Heimito von Doderer. It will make the case that aristocratic hierarchies are necessary for creativity as well as for thought, and that democracy needs to maintain its ties to the aristocratic past if it is to sustain the life of the mind. In exploring this question, the study will draw upon the ideas of Alexis de Tocqueville and Friedrich Nietzsche.




<해적과 문화적 상상>

해적사회는 푸코의 헤테로토피아로 해석될 만큼 그 고유성과 대안성이 돋보이는 집단으로 연구되어 왔다그리고 그들의 활동무대인 대양은 대부분 공해로서국가의 통치주권과 문화적 지배권이 미치지 않는 힘의 진공과도 같은 공간처럼 보이나바로 그 이유 때문에 힘의 각축이 역사 속에서 반복되어 왔다해적 행위가 만연한 지역이 있었음은 그 지역을 중심으로 한 상거래가 활발하였음을 의미하며 이를 가능케 하는 자본이 연결되어 있음을 의미한다그럼에도 불구하고 해적에 대한 대중적 상상은 해적을 이와 같은 정치·경제적 맥락에서 분리시켜 코스모폴리타니즘에 입각한 의적이거나 절대적 악당으로 묘사한다이 연구는 해적의 등장이 18세기 초부터 급격히 증가한 식민지와의 교역 및 노예무역의 궤적과 긴밀한 상응 속에서 읽혀져야 하며이들의 등장은 서구 금융자본주의 발달과 동전의 양면을 구성하고 있다는 전제에서 출발하여이같은 해적의 출현과 해적이라는 고유한 특질집단적이면서도 때로 개별화된 특질에 대한 상상이 서구 문화텍스트에서 끊임없이 ()구성되는 양상을 밝힌다관련 연구로서 이미 해적과 금융에 관한 2개의 논문이 출판된 바 있다

예상 논문제목Some Versions of Human Capital: A Critical Reading of Piracies

유관과목: <소녀들의 반란>


인간 · 생명 · 기술 융합연구 클러스터 참조


<공감의 경제학>

 이 연구는 1) 공감의 특성을 상상과 모방을 동시에 갖고 있는 것으로 파악함으로써 상상과 모방의 미학적 대립을 재고하고, 2)낭만주의 문학의 중심 개념 중 하나인 공감을 가치를 상징하는 화폐에 대한 사회경제적 사유와의 관련 속에서 해석하며, 3) 이를 통해 문학과 경제학이 만나는 장을 제공한다이는 인간 행동의 두 가지 결정 요소감정적정서적 반응과 이성적 선택를 통합적으로 이해하려는 시도이다본 연구에서는 공감의 확산과 경제적 가치의 측정단위이며 기호인 화폐 또는 화폐에 상응하는 각종 기호(특히 어음수표증권채권과 같은 부-wealth-의 기호)들의 확산을 유비적 관계에서 볼 수 있는가의 문제에 천착한다이를 위하여, Adam Smith Theory of Moral Sentiments, Edmund BurkeReflections on the Revolution in France, 그의 낭만주의 영시 텍스트에서 공감을 포함한인간 정신의 정서적 작동이 텍스트에서 경제적 가치와 의미를 부여받는 순간들을 포착하고 분석할 것이다이 연구들을 통해 궁극적으로 문학과 경제의 관계에 대한 낭만주의 시인들의 해석과 협상의 양상을 궁극적으로 밝힐 것이며이와 같은 협상의 양상이 어떻게 이후 세대의 문학과 경제의 관계를 이해해는 단초가 되었는지를 점검할 것이다

예상 논문제목Natures Sympathy and the Vegetarian EconomyThe Economy of Sympathy?: Death in KeatsIsabella (1818)




<손과 발>

인간 신체의 각 부위의 특성 및 기능을 다루는 본인의 연구계획의 일환으로서손과 발에 관한 저서를 출간하려 한다손에 관해서는 도구와 표현으로서의 손손과 미학손의 간계손과 눈손의 촉각/촉감손과 젠더손의 사회적 구성왼손과 오른손이분법적 상징론을 챕터로 구성하고 있다발에 관해서는 불구와 초극의 발존재의 탈은폐와 에로티시즘의 발앎과 행함정신과 영혼의 발공감/공모의 발그리고 유목민의 발이 각 챕터가 된다문학철학역사학종교심리학인류학사회학어원학과 문자학 등이 그 방법론에 속하며관습 및 신화 및 민담도 여기에 포함된다도구로서의 손의 경우인공지능 기계의 포스트휴먼과의 관계도 생각해 보려 한다본 저서는 비교문화학의 성격을 띠는 종합적인 연구가 될 전망이 크다중국 및 한국 등 동아시아 문화와 서유럽 문화의 비교젠더 및 종족의 구분관습의 차이 등이 자연스레 분석의 대상이 될 것이기 때문이다본인은 눈입에 관한 연구도 병행하고 있는데각 신체 부위의 여러 양상과 기능을 말하는 가운데몸의 전체 조율이라기보다는 각 신체부위의 독자성을 밝히는 방향으로 결론이 나아가는 것을 알게 되었다이 저서는 들뢰즈의 기관없는 신체와 메를로 퐁티의 몸 이론으로써 마무리될 것이다

유관과목: <손과 발,,>




빅데이터/디지털 인문·언어연구 클러스터 참조


<Adam Smiths Reserved Representations of London in The Wealth of Nations and Its Implication for Scottish Enlightenments Cosmopolitanism> 

This project anatomizes Adam Smiths ambivalent attitude to London in The Wealth of Nations. London is not as frequently mentioned or palpably described in the celebrated work as one might expect given the enormous importance the city had in creating and increasing the wealth of the British nation. This can hardly be justified by objective facts attesting to the enormous preponderance of London in the national economy. A clue to this anomaly can be found in Smiths universalist desire to transcend the spatial and historical conditions of economic growth which London exemplifies. A potential subtext of The Wealth of Nations which might subvert its argument could be titled The Wealth of London. The finished version of this paper will be submitted to major international journals in the field of intellectual history. A collaboration at some stage of the work will be activated with specialists in the field of the eighteenth-century British intellectual history, Drs. Hiroki Ueno of Hitotsubashi University, Japan, and Brad Bow of Aberdeen University, UK.


Hye-Joon Yoon, Metropolis and Experience: Defoe, Dickens, Joyce(Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012).

Hye-Joon Yoon. The Rhetoric of Tenses in Adam SmithThe Wealth of Nations (Leyden/Boston: Brill, 2017).



탈식민주의·다문화주의 연구









In the first two years, I will work on the films of Park Chan-Wook, approaching some of his recent films by asking questions of culture, gender, and historicity. 

<Vampire Epidemiology in Thirst and Stoker

I compare Park Chan-Wooks two vampire films in sequence (one released in Korea, one a Hollywood production) to compare the ways in which vampire epidemiology”—the logic by which vampirism is transmittedmay differ according to the film production and release context. 

관련실적: Hyungji Park,Toward a Definition of Diaspora Literature,The Cambridge Companion to Asian American Literature, eds. Crystal Parikh and Daniel Y. Kim (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015) 155-66. 


I will work on texts of Victorian literature and use post-colonial approaches to discuss issues of property, gender, and Englishness. 

<Dracula and Womens Property>

In this very male text of the politics of lineage, property, and colonial invasion of England, the gender mechanics of property transmission are unclear. Even as the novel is populated by aristocrats (Lord Arthur Godalming, Count Dracula) and many of the characters are involved in the task of property transmission (Jonathan Harker), the logic of inheritance, especially when women are involved, in unclear.

유관과목 <A Cultural History of the Vampire> (2018-1 개설향후 재개설 예정)


<Our Mutual Friend and colonial inheritance> 

Our Mutual Friend is all about the effects of long-term colonial residence on the possibilities of reintegration into England, and especially the possibility of patriarchal inheritance. I explore how these two elementsEnglish inheritance and colonial experienceare seen at odds, how they come to be reconciled, and how this all hinges on a romance plot.

유관과목: <The Estate in English Fiction> (2020-1 개설향후 재개설 예정)


빅데이터/디지털 영문학 연구 클러스터 참조 




영문학 중심의 비교인문학 연구 클러스터 참조


<South Korean Cinema and Post-history>

South Korean cinema has been a phenomenon that has corresponded to its late and compressed modernity. In this research project, I will examine how South Korean film has transformed to address the coming of post-industrial and post-historical society, where the problem of economic equality is being supplanted by social issues such as womens rights and the crisis posed by a rapidly declining birth-rate. The films that I will focus on for this series of articles include Parasite (dir. Bong Joon-ho), Burning (dir. Lee Chang-dong), and The Handmaiden (dir. Park Chan-wook).


영문학 중심의 비교인문학 연구 클러스터 참조




<Staging North Korean Defectors: Uncharted Border, Ideological Disorientation, and Korean Diaspora>

This research examines new theatrical undercurrents in and around South Korea by discussing two plays depicting North Korean defectorsunique Korean diasporic subjects whose experiences illustrate the problematic remnants of Koreas troubled twentieth-century history. The target texts include both Eun-Sung KimSister Mok-rahn that features a female saeteominprotagonist who tries to survive in South Korean society but ends up belonging nowhere at the border of China and North Korea and Mia ChungYou for Me for Youthat was premiered in Washington, D.C. and whose Korean translation was staged in 2017.


<Documenting North Korea: Secret, Betrayal, and Distance between the Film-makers and the Subject in Under the Sun and The Lovers and the Despot

This article examines the two contemporary documentary films about North Korea, Under the Sun (2016) and The Lovers and the Despot(2016), to explore ethical issues arose in the filmmaking process in order to prove that North Korea, as a subject of documentary, is an anomaly that induces contradiction to existing norms and that requires constant challenges to ethics in documentary film making.


<Performative Space: Constructing Korean Futures on the Historical Landscape of Seoul> (A special issue or a collaborative book chapter)

In the last two decades, the city of Seoul has pursued massive urban renewal projects including Cheonggyecheon stream, Seoul-ro 7017 (Sky Garden), Dongdaemun Design Plaza, and Gwanghwamun Plaza. Navigating the representations of each space will highlight often contradictory aspects of South Koreas modern history and explore how various actors interact with public spaces to articulate competing collective desires that narrate the nations historical experience. Incorporating South Koreas public spaces in the discussion of Koreas modernity and cultural identity directs us toward a comprehensive understanding of the fascinating intersection of dynamic social and cultural changes associated with rapid economic development and modernization. The result of this research will be published in the form of special issue of an international journal or a couple of book chapters


<The Korean Diaspora in Theatre and Drama> 

The purpose of this book project is to understand modernity of South Korean society from a critical perspective and how the nations compressed modernity has affected the production of the nations diaspora. Each chapter, I will examine how the Korean diaspora spanning from the early twentieth-century Korean theatre to contemporary Korean American plays reflect the socio-political dynamics and problems of South Korean modernity. The book project will cover the evolution of the nations colonial theatre from the early 1900s to the contemporary Korean American theatre and drama.

유관과목: <The Korean Diaspora in Theatre and Drama>>




<인간과 인종의 뿌리헬레니즘과 오리엔탈리즘의 상생관계>

본 저술은 서구 문화의 근간이라고 할 수 있는 인본주의가 인종주의와 어떠한 관계를 형성했는지를 살펴보기 위해 인본주의 전통의 모태인 헬레니즘의 주요 텍스트를 비판적으로 분석하려고 한다즉 인간중심주의 혹은 인본주의를 표방한 휴머니즘이 사실은 다른 인간을 차별하고 배제하는 인종주의와 불가분의 관계에 있었음을 밝히는 작업이다이를 위해 고대 그리스의 호메로스와 비극 작가들로마의 베르길리우스와 오비디우스의 작품을 탈식민주의 시각에서 재해석할 것이다이 작업은 본인이 지금까지 해왔던 저술 연구 『검은 역사 하얀 이론탈식민주의의 계보와 정체성『파농니그로가 인간해방의 중심에 서다『제국의 정전셰익스피어』의 연장선상에 있으며현대에서 출발하여 르네상스를 거처 고대에까지 거슬러 올라가는 학문적 여정의 마지막 단계라고 할 수 있다.

유관과목: <인본주의와 인종주의의 기원>




<The Erotic and Grotesque vs. Female Agency in Colonial Chosŏn in Park Chan-wookThe Handmaiden>

This research explores the idea that Park engages with the issue of female agency vis-à-vis the erotic and grotesque in The Handmaidenas a way of investigating colonial modernity in Chosŏn. It focuses on the dynamic nature of colonial modernity in the evolving relationship between colonial patriarchy and its female victims. Placed within the sexual politics of the 1920s and 30s, Hideko and Sook-hees defiance of the old straightjacket of gender codes echoes the social anxiety shared by traditional males, both Japanese and Korean, about the rise of the New Woman. This research, therefore, charts the female characters resemblance to the historical nonconformist women of Japan and colonial Chosŏn in both their subjection to, and eventual challenge of, hegemonic masculinity. 

유관과목집중강의 <Ethnicity, Race and Racism in Asia> 


<한국계 미국소설에 나타난 역사 재현과 오리엔탈리즘>

본 저술은 한국계 미국 소설을 재현의 정치성이라는 관점에서 다루고자 한다본 연구에서는 한국계 미국 작가들의 작품을 분석할 때 이 작품들이 어떠한 하부 텍스트를 가지고 있는지에 주의를 기울일 것이다이 하부 텍스트에는 작가의 개인적인 전기도 포함이 되지만 해방 직후 기지촌의 실상일본 제국이 벌인 태평양 전쟁한국전한인 이민자들의 미국 정착사 등 한민족의 역사와 직접적으로 관련된 것들이다그리하여 각 소설의 역사적 하부 텍스트를 당대에 관한 역사 기록과 병치하여 읽음으로써 각 작품의 역사적 컨텍스트가 어떠한 정치적 현안을 위해혹은 어떠한 개인적인 이유로 재구성되었는지를 논한다


Suk Koo Rhee, Consumable Bodies and Ethnic (Hi)stories: Strategies and Risks of Representation in A Gesture Life, Discourse 34.1 (2012).


<Racial Passing and the Eurasian Question in KiplingKim>

This research plan is a development of the research topics that came to my attention while working on my third monograph (2019). This research illuminates the political agendas of R. KiplingKim by recovering the displaced politico-economic history that preoccupied the novelist and his contemporaries but was not rendered visible in his literary work. The historical issue that I did not delve deeply enough into in my monograph but would like to relate Kiplings work to is the Eurasian Question.


<Hong Kong Cinema as a Wish-Fullfilling Capitalization of the New Immigrants>

Based on a close watching of Comrades, Almost a Love Story (dir. Peter Chan 1996) and Little Cheung (dir. Fruit Chan 1999), this research illuminates the subconscious dynamics that inform these two movies that feature the interaction between the Hong Kongers and the mainland migrants, the so-called the new immigrants. By situating these movies within the context of the Hong Kong turnover of 1997, this study detects and theorizes not only the anxiety that gripped most of the Hong Kongers regarding the Socialist PRCs expected or immediate takeover, but also an ambivalence towards this seismic political event. 


<Foreign-Faced Nikkeijin, Hikiagesha, Rewrites the Japanese Nation>

This research delves into the affective complexities of Japanese movies featuring the so-called hikiagesha, or the repatriates who had been left behind in Manchuria after Japans defeat. Just like the Brazilian Japanese who returned to Japan in the eighties, these returnees, many of them who were racially mixed due to intermarrige with local Chinese, became a semi-ethnic minority within Japan. This study illuminates the mainstream Japans ambivalence towards this excluded group through analyzing the movies featuring the group.

유관과목집중강의 <Cultural Negotiations and Asian Cinema> 


<영어전쟁소설과 해석학적 지평으로서의 냉전>

인식론으로서의 냉전과 문학과의 관계를 기계적인 반영을 넘어서는 상호적인 관계로 봄으로써본 연구는 아시아 출신의 작가들이 생산한 전쟁 서사에서 냉전에 대한 문제 제기와 도전의 가능성을 열어 보인다구체적으로 본 저술은 인식론으로서의 냉전이 전쟁 서사들을 어떻게 구조화하고 또 그 서사적 전개를 어떻게 추동하는지 고찰한다특별히서사화의 과정을 거치면서 냉전 인식이 텍스트의 언어적 불확실성 혹은 냉전의 교리와 참혹한 전쟁의 현실 간의 괴리에 의해 한계를 드러내는 지점이 없는지 비판적으로 검토한다이러한 관점을 채택함으로써 전쟁 서사가 냉전에 대해 보여주는 다양한 입장의 스펙트럼을 잘 드러낼 수 있으며동시에 개개의 작품에 내재된 의미론적 가능성을 최대치로 실현시키고자 한다.

유관과목: <영어전쟁소설과 해석학적 지평으로서의 냉전>




<Decolonization and Mysticism in W. B. Yeatss Writings>

Critics have approached Yeatss poems in the light of Irish nationalism and decolonization. However, critics seldom connect Yeatss Irish nationalism with his mysticism, which he avows to be: the center of all that I do and all that I think and all that I write. This research project draws attention to the juncture where Irish nationalism and Indian mysticism intersect. In numerous prose writings such as The Celtic Twilight, The Secret Rose, Essays and Introductions, and Autobiographies, Yeats connects pre-colonial ancient Celtic culture with mystical India. Edward Said in Culture and Imperialism argues for Yeats as a decolonizing writer, and he exempts the Irish poet from his accusations in Orientalism. Yeatss place in Irish nationalism is a complex issue, as he keeps a antinomian stance towards Ireland with his Ango-Irish ascendancy roots and elitism. Another important issue is the matter of orientalism in Yeatss turn to India. I hope to elucidate these issues by applying Frantz Fanons critical concept of transnational consciousness to the transcendental mystical state in Indian philosophy.


<Shakesqueer in Contemporary Korean Theatre>

Some of Shakespeares plays provide a fruitful field for dramatizing queer issues, but the representation of homosexuality was a taboo in Korean theatre until recently. In 2018, three queer productions of Romeo and Juliet were staged in Seoul: Theatre Group LASJuliet and Juliet (dir. Lee Ki-Peum), Yohangza Theatre CompanyRomeo and Juliet (dir. Yang Jung-Ung) and Joe CalarcoShakespeares R & J(dir. Kim Dong-Yeon), produced by Show Note. I find it remarkable that all three productions choose to foreground homosexuality in the portrayal of the iconic star-crossed lovers, despite their different theatrical backgrounds and orientations. This research project explores the phenomenon of Shakesqueer in the Korean theatre of the 21st century, relating it to the rising concern about the issue of the sexual minority and the recent Queer Festival debate in Korea. Along with the cultural analysis of the three queer productions aforementioned, attention will be given to the increased interest in queer issues in Shakespeare Studies in Korea. This research  seeks to be a study of contemporary Korean culture as much as of Shakespeare in general.


빅데이터/디지털 인문·언어연구 클러스터 참조



빅데이터/디지털 인문·언어연구









<The Brontës: Authorial Idiolect and Genetic Inheritance>

At the heart of authorship attribution studies, there lies an important and largely unexamined set of questions. The questions can be quickly enumerated: (a) Where does an authors idiolect come from? (b) Why does an idiolect remain sufficiently constant over the lifespan to warrant meaningful investigation? (c) How is it that individual authorial idiolects are sufficiently different from one another to allow meaningful investigation? (d) In each new generation, by what means do new authorial idiolects emerge? In the wide field of English studies, assumed or unconscious responses to each of these questions exist, particularly within individual or biographical accounts of particular writers. In this paper, using the text case of the Brontë sisters, the case is made for viewing authorial style as a matter of genetic inheritance.

유관과목: <From Literary to Digital Stylistics>


<Saussure, Genetic Inheritance and Stylometry>

The acceptance of the central factor of genetic inheritance is likely to encourage a broad range of innovative research. For example, researchers will now be able to investigate the matter of language change down the generations with much greater precision than before. It will be interesting to see at what level genetic inheritance makes itself felt. With the means now at hand to compare father and son, or mother and daughter, or father and daughter, or mother and son, it seems reasonable to believe that this Saussurean position can be fleshed out in all its rich detail, at the level of syntax, phrase and individual lexical item. There are also obvious implications for those who wish to continue to undertake stylometric research with a focus on literary studies. The importance of the natural inheritance of literary ability will tend to loom larger than before, and researchers will find a renewed fascination in the rich lexical relationships that may be discovered within the prominent literary families of the past and present.

유관과목: <From Literary to Digital Stylistics>


<On Imitation>

In his landmark study Mimesis (1946), Erich Auerbach offers a definitive history of the Aristotelian concept that literature consists of a range of attempts to represent real life in fictional form. In doing so, however, Auerbachs magnificent book tended to eclipse interest in the second major meaning of the Greek term mimesis, which is the sense of mimesis as imitatio, the copy of a copy, or the imitation of one work of literature by a second or later one. In this study, I will be concerned with the English Renaissance notion of imitatio, as that is made manifest in a range of literary works from Charlotte Bronte to Jean Rhys, from E.M. Forster to Zadie Smith, from Oscar Wilde to Will Self, and from Mary Shelley to Ahmed Saadawi.


<Complex Words: A Digital Investigation>

Influenced by work undertaken in the 1920s and 1930s in the Department of English at Cambridge University, a large number of literary critics have drawn attention to the function of complex words in literary fiction. Within cultural studies, complex words have also long been a preoccupation, beginning with Raymond WilliamsCulture and Society (1958) and continuing with the later work of Tony Bennett, Lawrence Grossberg and others in New Keywords (2005). Such work may be seen as an attempt to bring to fruition Empsons sense of an ideal word list that would not only display in a convenient form all the chief senses and gestures of a word, but would indicate their connections with one another ... and the history of the chief movements(xii). In this study, the researcher will use the vast range of digital tools, particularly available at Mark Daviess Corpus of Contemporary American English or COCA website, to investigate the function of complex words in a range of literary works.

유관과목: <From Literary to Digital Stylistics>




탈식민주의/다문화주의 연구 클러스터 참조


I will work on a few texts of Pacific Rim Literature to discuss a range of contemporary issues, from elder demographics to urban alienation to digital communication. 

<Care and Flanerie: Tracing the Elusive Mother within the Topography of Seoul>

I read Shin Kyung-SookPlease Look After Mom and Jane Jeong Trenkas memoir A Language of Blood from the perspective of care-taking of mothers, an elder care which plays out against a particular urban topography of Seoul.

유관과목: <Critical Media Studies and the Asian Metropolis> (신규 개설 예정)


<The Digital Politics of Crossing the Pacific in A Tale for the Time Being

Ruth Ozekis novel plays with the nature of the cross-Pacific encounter in many ways, from the literal (post-Fukushima Pacific tidal fallout) to the magical realist (traversing time and space) to the digital. I focus on the ways in which digital means are used to facilitate contact between Tokyo and eastern Canada, and the politics of such enablement.

유관과목: <The Post-Apocalyptic Pacific and Its Digital Archive> (2019-1 개설향후 재개설 예정)




<한국 개화기 및 식민지 시기의 번역 및 국문학 사이의 상호관계 연구>

우리가 쓰고 있는 많은 단어와 이 단어들을 이어주는 문법이 개화기와 일제 강점기 중에 생성되었지만 실제로 어떤 경위로 어떻게 생성되었는지 추적하는 연구는 그리 많지 않다우리 문학의 형성에 외국문학이 어떤 역할을 했는지 밝히는 연구 또한 많지 않다본 연구의 목적은 19세기 말부터 최근까지의 영미문학 번역을 코퍼스 데이터화 하여 영미문학을 포함한 외국문학의 유입이 단어문법내러티브문예사조 등의 생성과 변화와 어떤 상호관계를 갖는지 밝히는 데에 있다.  

유관과목: <번역과 디지털 인문학 입문>

예상 논문「개화기 이후의 초기번역과 한국어의 시제 변천 연구「한국의 초기 번역작과 초기 한국현대소설에서의 서사(narrative)적 요소와 기법의 변천에 대한 연구코퍼스 언어학적인 접근


1890년대부터 1990년대까지의 영문학 번역 중 시소설드라마의 대표작을 중심으로 일본어 번역을 토대로 한 중역이 어떻게 행해졌는가에 대한 연구 

예상 논문「한국의 초기 번역문학과 한국소설의 형성「일제강점기와 해방 후 한국의 번역문학에서의 중역의 역할 연구


저술『일제 강점기와 해방 후의 영문학 번역 연구

1880년대의 개화 후 영문학 번역(요약번역각색개작 포함)에 대한 역사질적 평가 및 일본어 번역과의 상호관계 연구 


서홍원 외 


<2언어로서의 영어학습 데이터 구축 및 종단적 연구>

지역사회 기여 영역의 연구로서 고등학교 방과 후 학습자들의 1학년부터 3학년까지의 온라인 글쓰기(writing), 구어(spoken), 음성(speech) 코퍼스 데이터를 수준별로 구축하고 학습자들의 제2연어 학습에 대해 종단적인 연구를 수행연구결과를 실시간적으로 학습자의 교육에 적용하여 온라인 적응형 학습(adaptive learning) 모델 구축을 목표로 함구축된 영어 학습 모델을 지방자치 교육 현장에 적용하여 사회적 영어 불균형 해소에 기여함데이터 구축지방 소재 고등학교 방과 후 수업과 동일 기반의 교과내용을 담은 온라인 수업을 통한 데이터를 다년간 확보학습자의 네 가지 언어능력(듣기말하기읽기쓰기)과 단어력에 따른 수준별 분류.



구축된 코퍼스 기반 고등학생의 제2언어 학습에 대한 종단 연구입력-출력-입력의 순환의 적응형 학습(adaptive learning) 모델 구축.

적응형 학습 모델의 지방자치 교육 확산 및 전국적 코퍼스 데이터 추가 구축구축된 코퍼스 기반 고등학생의 제2언어 학습 종단 연구.

유관과목: <2언어 학습자 코퍼스 분석과 응용>




<News as History: The Rhetoric of Contextualization in The Annual Register>

This project focuses on the rhetorical devices used by Edmund Burke in his articles covering the Seven Years War in The Annual Register to harmonize historical contextualization with reportage of contingent incidents. The results will be compared with, on the one hand, the celebrated eighteenth-century historical narratives produced by David Hume, Edward Gibbon, and William Robertson, and on the other, of the war journalism of the next century. For the latter category, the big data digital archive provided by the British Newspaper Archive (BNA). The finished paper will join an international and interdisciplinary collection of essays on the history of European news journalism to be published by a European academic publishing house. For this project, I will closely collaborate with scholars at U of Florence, Italy, Nicholas Brownlees and Christina Samson, who apply corpus-linguistics to studying the data of historical journalism.


Hye-Joon Yoon, Metropolis and Experience: Defoe, Dickens, Joyce, (Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012).


영문학 중심의 비교인문학 연구 클러스터 참조


<The Moral Critique of Homo Oeconomicus in the Eighteenth-Century British Intellectual History>

This book project attempts to rectify and supplement the conventional narratives of the evolution of economic thinking that keeps clear of the inherent criticism of the economic view of man and society which ran parallel with those pioneering constructions of economic discourse such as Bernard MandevilleThe Fable of the Bees, David Humes Political Essays, and Adam SmithThe Wealth of Nations. Often in the same texts, the rhetorical layer of the disquisition registers a critical self-awareness of the problems besetting the homo oeconomicus (in Mandeville and The Wealth of Nations) and above all, SmithTheory of Moral Sentiments, particularly in Part VI added to the sixth edition, offers a vocal criticism of a simplified view of human action based solely on self-interest. Furthermore, we seek to connect the recognized economic thinkers of the age with other landmark figures who directly or indirectly challenged the legitimacy of unhampered greed, such as those thinkers related to British abolitionism and Edmund Burke. The three-year period covered by the BK project will be spent on collecting sources and writing drafts. For this project, I will draw help from Prof. Sora Sato of Toyo University, Japan, who has published an excellent book on Edmund Burke, and prof. Brad Bow of Aberdeen University, UK, among other experts in the field.

연구 협력 해외학자

빅데이터 활용 영문학연구: Nicholas Brownlees, Christina Samson (U of Florence)

문화·지성사 연계 영문학연구: Charles Brad Bow (Aberdeen U), Hiroki Ueno (Hitotsubashi U), Sora Sato (Toyo U).




<Corpus-based Team Research North Korean English Education>

This team research is composed of two modules. One takes a culturalist approach and analyzes important aspects of English language education in North Korea by understanding it in its relationship with the latters fundamental ideologies such as Juche and Sungun ideologies. This research also expands its focus to identifying the symbolic values of Pyongyang and delving into the ways these values inform North Korean English texts. The second module of this research takes a diachornic approach. Although there have been prior researches on North Korean English education, they tend to focus on a comparison of North and South Korean English education. This team research, however, plans to map the transformations the English education of North Korea has undergone throughout Kim Ilsung and Kim Jeongils regimes. For this purpose, this research utilizes a corpus-based methodology in analyzing North Korean English texts.

유관과목: <North Korean English Education> (팀티칭)

해외공동연구자안혜정 (난양이공대)

국내공동연구자김현우 참여교수


<코퍼스 기반 학습자 영어 특징 연구>

본 연구는 영어 학습자의 영어의 논항구조구문(argument structure construction, 이하 구문정보 사용 능력을 과학적인 방법으로 평가하고자 컴퓨터 도구를 개발하는데 목적이 있다구문이란 문장의 형태와 의미간 결합체를 지칭한다예컨대Tom gave Mary a book에서와 같은 문장은 전달자-동작-받는이-물건의 형태를 지니는 동시에 A B에게 특정 물건을 전달하다라는 의미가 결합된 논항구조를 띠고 있다본 연구에는 다음과 같이 두 가지 세부 목적이 있다첫째영어 학습자의 생성한 영어 문장의 논항구조 형식을 자동으로 분석하는 Python기반 컴퓨터 프로그램을 개발한다둘째개발된 프로그램을 이용하여 영어 학습자의 논항구조 사용 능력을 평가한다본 연구는 영어 논항구조에 대한 최근 이론인 구문문법(Construction Grammar, Goldberg, 2006)에 기반하여기존에 주목받지 못했던 문장의 형태와 의미의 복합적 정보를 활용하는 능력을 객관적으로 평가하는 새로운 도구를 개발하고자 한다초반의 연구는 한국어를 모국어로 하는 영어 학습자를 대상으로 이루어지지만이후 연구에서는 다양한 언어권의 영어 학습자를 대상으로 연구하고자 한다.

·구문 분류 및 추출 도구의 스크립트 개발

·머신러닝을 통한 구문 분류 및 추출 도구의 정확도 향상


·분석용 학습자 작문 데이터 수집

·수집한 작문 데이터에 대한 구문 추출 및 분석

·작문 데이터를 수작업으로 코딩한 결과와 자동화 도구를 통해 분석된 결과를 비교 분석


·구문 분류 / 추출 도구의 분석 결과를 토대로 논문 작성

·다양한 학습자 데이터를 추가하여구분 분류 / 추출 도구의 정확    도 향상  

·구문 분류 / 추출 도구의 분석 결과 논문을 학술지에 기고

·구문 분류 / 추출 도구를 교육 현장에 소개 및 적용

유관과목: <음성코퍼스와 학습자 영어 대조·비교 음성학




탈식민주의·다문화주의 연구 클러스터 참조


<Shakespeare and Education Market in South Korea>

Shakespeare has been ever present in Korean culture in one way or another since the modernization of the country at the turn of the twentieth century. There exists ample research on the reception of Shakespeare in the theatre as well as a modest amount of study on Shakespeare translation in Korea. However, few attempts have been made to assess the presence of Shakespeare in the primary and secondary education system in Korea: i.e. the adaptations of Shakespeares plays into short stories and cartoons for children, curtailed collections of the so-called Shakespeares Big Four tragedies for middle/high school students in preparation for SAT, to name a few. To understand the role of Shakespeare in the education market in Korea can reveal a great deal about cultural unconscious and the workings of various ideologies in Korean society. This topic is a completely untrodden territory, and it require a long-term research project that involves a massive amount of data collection and analysis. I plan to collaborate with research students at the department who participate in the BK project, thereby giving them the opportunity to gain working knowledge how cultural studies works.





<Lexical Diversity> 

The construct of lexical diversity is an important indicator of both first and second language proficiency and development. More proficient/educated writers and speakers tend to have larger vocabularies, which influences the breadth of lexical items they use to complete a particular communicative task. Despite the importance of this topic, there is still not a consensus as to how lexical diversity should be measured. One particularly thorny issue is the connection between commonly used indices and their intrinsic relationship with text length. Previous studies have either focused on long L1 texts or have used particularly small sample sizes. I plan to conduct a large learner corpus study (n = 2,500 participants) to investigate the degree to which various indices of lexical diversity are independent of text length (and the length of text needed to obtain a reliable sample). A second project on lexical diversity will be to examine the relationship between indices of lexical diversity identified in the aforementioned project that are independent of text length and direct human judgments of lexical diversity using both first language and second language argumentative essays. This project will focus on the validity of these indices. 


<Analysis of the Linguistic Demands of Technology-Mediated Learning Environments in Higher Education>. Popular assessments of second language academic ability such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) use traditional education materials (e.g., lectures, textbooks, office hours) as the baseline for the linguistic demands that must be met by incoming international students (see, e.g., Biber et al., 2004). However, the linguistic landscape of English-medium higher education (particularly in the United States) includes a much more diverse set of linguistic tasks, including participating in online discussions, completing online tutorials, and writing blogs in addition to more traditional tasks. In this project, I will collect a large corpus (~5 million words) of spoken and written texts produced in and for technology mediated learning environments (TMLEs) in institutions of higher education in the United States. The linguistic features of these tasks will then be compared to more traditional learning environments, which may have important implications both for tests of academic language proficiency and for educators who prepare students to study in the United States (and elsewhere). 


<Natural Language Processing for Second Language Texts> Natural language processing (NLP) tools have become increasingly popular in applied linguistics because they allow for larger corpora to be tagged for important linguistic features such as part of speech and grammatical relations (see, e.g., Kyle & Crossley 2015; 2017). One potential issue with the use of NLP tools in second language contexts is a potential for annotating tasks to have much lower accuracy for low proficiency second language texts than for edited texts produced by high proficiency language users. One reason for this problem is the dearth of second language training data. In this project, I will create a gold-standard corpus of second language speech that is annotated for part of speech tags and dependency relationships. This will have two direct outcomes. First, the accuracy of various commonly used NLP tools can be tested on second language data. Second, the gold-standard annotated corpus can be used to help improve tagging and parsing models. 


<Edited Volume: Using Natural Processing Tools for Research in Applied Linguistics>. This edited volume will provide theoretical and practical discussions of the use of various cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) techniques in applied linguistics research. Well-known international scholars (e.g., Stefan Gries) will be recruited to contribute chapters to this volume. In addition to the introduction and conclusion chapters, I will contribute two chapters. The first will discuss training and using part of speech taggers in applied linguistics research. The second will discuss theoretical and practical issues related to the automatic analysis of verb argument constructions in second language texts. 


<Lexical Sophistication> Lexical sophistication refers to the relative difficulty of learning and/or producing a particular lexical item and is also related to readers and listenersperception of this difficulty. As such, lexical sophistication is an important indicator of second language proficiency. I and colleagues have done foundational exploratory work in this area (e.g., Eguchi & Kyle, in press; Kyle & Crossley, 2015; Kyle, Crossley, & Berger, 2018; Kim, Crossley, & Kyle, 2018). During this year, I will apply what we have learned about lexical sophistication to the area of automatic feedback systems. An automated system that measures various aspects of lexical sophistication (e.g., word frequency and concreteness, collocation strength) and provides both formative and summative feedback will be constructed. Controlled studies focused on the efficacy of various versions of the system will then be conducted. 




인간 · 생명 · 기술 융합연구









<Lets make us medicines of our great revenge: Medicine and Sovereignty in Macbeth>

This article surveys ShakespeareMacbeth in terms of medical discourses. Macbeth was produced at a time when the English people were obsessed with the identity of the commonwealth due to the accession of an alien King, James I. At this historical juncture of Tudor-Stuart dynastic change, the nation was increasingly conceived through a corporeal metaphor. People imagined the political community was vulnerable to pathogenic infiltration, and this essay situates Macbeth as a contribution to the Jacobean political debate dealing with immunity politics. In Macbeth, Scotland is the source of Jamess sovereign legitimacy, but it is simultaneously portrayed as a morbid land and a source of plague and illness. It is healed, in the play, by English royal legitimacy, not by Scottish rule, to which Jamess sovereign authority returns.

유관과목: <Early Modern Medicine and Biopolitics>


<Discourses of Lycanthropy and Medicine in John WebsterDuchess of Malfi>

The lycanthropic imagination underwent significant changes in the early seventeenth century. During the Middle Ages, particularly under the influence of Catholic mysticism, lycanthropy was often associated with witchcraft and demonism, and the main question of scholarly debates was whether a human can really transform into a wolf. In the seventeenth century, however, with the rise of a reformed belief that emphasized rationality, werewolf discourses were wedded with medical discourses, particularly those of Gallenic humourism, and many scholars believed that lycanthropy was merely a result of excessive black bile, or melancholy. In The Duchess of Malfi Webster follows this discursive trajectory, but his imagination significantly redirects its development. 

유관과목: <Early Modern Medicine and Biopolitics>


<Biopolitics Missing Link in Psychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary Study>

Michel Foucault is considered the originator of biopolitical thought although it was not first theorized by him. In his seminars on biopolitics, Foucault distinguished the sovereign power to take life and let live from the biopower to “‘make live and let die. However, he was not properly able to distinguish these two different concepts of power. His philosophy of biopower to make live often returns to his discussion of thanatopower to kill. Yet Foucault does not identify the missing link to mediate these two distinctive powers. I would argue this missing link can be located in psychoanalytic concepts including the idea of drive. This project explores Freuds at once biological and biopolitical essays dealing with the life drive and the death drive to survey the inseparable ties between these two drives from a biopolitical perspective.

유관과목: <Biopolitics>


<초기 근대 드라마에 나타난 지리지적 상상력문화적 경계성과 남북 분단>

초기 근대 영국의 극장은 지방의 쇠퇴와 런던을 주변으로 한 국가 중심의 건설이라는 정치 이데올로기에 기민하게 반응한다특히 영국 르네상스 시대의 드라마들은 험버강 이북의 북쪽 지방이나다른 주변 지역을 재현할 때는 그 정치적 색채를 드러낸다가령 영국 최초의 비극이라 불리는 『고보덕』은 영국 내에서 남북으로 갈라진 문화적 갈등을 표현한다셰익스피어의 사극들도 마찬가지로『헨리 4 2부작에서 재현된 퍼시(Percy)와 네빌(Neville) 가문은 북영국의 봉건권력에 대한 은유이다따라서 일종의 지리지로서의 『헨리 4 이부작은 이들의 몰락을 통해 지방권력에 대한 중앙의 승리를 은유적으로 극화한다크리스토퍼 말로 역시 『에드워드 2세』와 같은 작품을 통해 서부 변경(Welsh Marches)의 지방 권력과 중앙의 왕권이 빚어내는 갈등을 묘사한다여전히 메트로폴리터니즘과 내부 식민주의가 지속되고 있는 현상이고지역지방그리고 도시의 타자로서의 시골의 소외는 여전히 해결을 요구하는 사회문제라고 할 수 있다따라서 초기근대 때부터 시작된 도시집중화를 지방의 시각에서 고찰하여 비판적으로 성찰하는 것은 그러한 문제를 인식하는 이론적 시각을 제공할 것이다.

유관과목: <Cultural Geopolitics in English Renaissance Drama>




<한국인 영어 학습자의 영어 인과관계 처리 시 모국어 지식 반영에 대한 심리학적 연구>

본 연구는 한국인 학습자가 영어에서 문장 간 인과관계를 해석할 때언어 간 동사의 의미적 차이가 개입하여 학습자의 문장 해석에 어떻게 영향을 끼치고이러한 모국어의 개입에 학습자의 개인 변인들이 어떻게 영향을 끼치는지 알아본다언어마다 사건의 인과성을 내포하는 동사가 존재하고이들 동사는 문장 간 인과 관계에 영향을 주어 이후 등장하는 문장에서 사건의 원인을 누구에게 두는지 결정하는데 중요한 역할을 한다심리언어학에서는 이러한 동사를 implicit causality 동사라고 부른다이러한 명시적 인과를 나타내는 형태소는 영어에 비해 한국어에서 subject에 대한 초점을 더 강하게 하는 것으로 알려져 있다본 연구에서는 안구추적(eye tracking) 기법을 이용하여한국인 학습자가 영어 문장을 들을 때 동사의 형식에 따라 주어와 목적어에 각각 다른 초점을 두는지그리고 이러한 경향성이 한국어 지식에 영향을 받는지 알아보고자 한다또한 개인적 변인들즉 학습자의 영어 능숙도연령단기 기억 능력영어 학습 경험어휘 능숙도 등이 학습자가 영어의 implicit causality를 처리하는데 영향을 주는지 알아본다.

·한국어 실험과 영어 실험 문장 및 실험 도구 개발

·성인 한국인과 영어 모어화자를 대상으로 한국어 및 영어 실험 실시

·수집된 데이터를 바탕으로영한 실험 결과 대조 분석 

유관과목: <Child Language Process Acquisition>


·성인 한국인 영어 학습자를 대상으로 영어 실험 실시

·아동 한국인 영어 학습자를 대상으로 영어 실험 실시


 데이터 분석 결과를 토대로 논문 작성

·일본인 성인 및 아동 영어 학습자를 대상으로 영어 실험 실시

·중국인 성인 및 아동 영어 학습자를 대상으로 영어 실험 실시


공동연구 해외학자:

Theres Grüter (U of Hawaii); Eunjin Chun (Hong Kong PolytechU)

관련실적: Kim, Hyunwoo & Grüter, Theres (2019), Cross-linguistic activation of implicit causality biases in Korean learners of English,Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 22(3).




<The Biopolitics of Lunacy in The Handmaiden and Fingersmith> In this second essay on Park Chan-Wooks films, I compare Agassi (English title The Handmaiden) to its source text, Sarah Waterss novel Fingersmith. I focus on how the treatment of lunacy in both are linked to the films exploration of sexual identities, and how the films have different understandings of a correlation between madness and lesbianism. 

유관과목: <Critical Media Studies and the Asian Metropolis> (신규개설 예정)




 영문학 중심 비교인문학 연구 클러스터 참조


<Nature and Beyond>

No century has been more fascinated with Nature than the long 18thcentury. Indeed, the long 18th century showed profound interest in all the realms of the natural, the unnatural, and the supernatural, the three title words that appeared in the 18th century studies conference held in England in January 2020. This manuscript deals with 18th- and 19thcentury literary and cultural explorations into Nature, its unnatural others and supernatural siblings. Thomas Carlyles phrase, Natural supernaturalism, which was later borrowed by M. H. Abrams to describe the Romantic grounding of their epistemological and aesthetic orientation onto Nature. In this manuscript, I discuss the nature of the Romantic Nature and how it developed into the reflection on the second nature as in Wordsworth (via Burke), Colerdige, and Byron, the nature of the unnatural, that is monstrous, as it is examined in Mary ShelleyFrankenstein, and the nature of the gothic (supernatural) imagination. In order to approach to Nature and its outside (or beyond), I use the archeological approach to writings about Nature. An essay on Gilbert White, an 18th century field naturalist has been already published and the second essay on Dorothy Wordsworth and nature writing is yet to be finished.

예상 논문제목 

Writing from the Margin: Dorothy Wordsworth as an Author of Natural Diary/Looking into the Cosmopolitan Gallery: Figures of the Unnatural in Ridley Scotts Alien series


<Science in the Context of Romanticism>

During the Romantic period the discursive practices that tread the boundary of the scientific and the literary served as a condition of historical possibilities for epistemological breaks which characterized the early nineteenth century in the Western intellectual history. In this project we identify the Romantic period as the period that shaped the revolutions not only in political and economic worldviews but also the ways we think about the relationship between literature and science, emotions and knowledge, appreciations and observations, and the ways of representing the world and the ways of knowing it. Our collaborative study focuses on (1) theorizing the specific ways in which epistemic shifts took place in science especially in its relationship to the Romantic world view and think of Romanticism in a disciplinarily comparative way, and (2) illustrating how the condition for epistemic break represented in Erasmus Darwins The Botanic Garden (1791) can be interpreted through Foucaults concept of the archeology of knowledge on the one hand and Carl Linnaeuss idea of classification, on the other.  

유관과목집중강의 <Living through Revolution: Romanticism and the Shaping of the Modern World>

공동연구 해외학자: Yoon Sun Lee (Wellesley College)


 영문학 중심 비교인문학 연구 클러스터 참조




<상처와 생존의 서사트라우마정동장애>

본 연구는 트라우마 이론정동이론장애연구의 관점에서 상처와 치유의 주제를 탐구한다트라우마 이론에서는 트라우마의 정신적 메커니즘트라우마와 사회정치적 조건의 관계트라우마 치유의 과정을 다룬다정동이론에서는 정신분석에서 욕동의 구성요소인 정동(affect)이 또 다른 구성요소인 표상(idea)와의 관계가 무엇이고더 폭넓게는 주체와 사회구성체 형성에 정동/정서가 관념/이데올로기와 어떻게 다르게 작용하는지기쁨슬픔분노수치혐오경멸 등의 감정들이 죄의식과 억압 등의 개념들과 어떻게 다르게 주체의 사고와 행동에 영향을 미치는지 다룬다장애연구에서는 어떻게 정상/규범의 이데올로기가 민족서사와 과학서사의 도구를 통해 소수자와 장애자에게 낙인(stigma)의 상처를 가하고 교정의 대상으로 규정하는지 밝히고 치유의 서사는 어떻게 구성되는가를 다룬다본 연구는 이어서 이 세 이론이 어떻게 상처와 치유의 주제에서 교차하는지 검토하고이 이론들의 관점에서 미국문학과 역사에서 깊은 상처를 남긴미국원주민 학살과 추방전쟁재해사회인종적 성적 폭력의 주제를 다룬 대표적 문학을 분석한다이 연구는 기존의 정신분석 관련 저술 


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