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29 우미성 "자라지 않는 소녀, 젠더화된 순수성: 제임스 베리의 '메리로즈.'" <영미문학 교육> 18.2
28 우미성 "모더니티 반낭만적 로맨스 전환기 문학으로 본 버나드 쇼의 Pygmalion." <현대영미드라마> 27.2
27 우미성 "Dancing Body, Social Class, and Utopian Vision In Dance Films." <문학과영상> 15.2
26 우미성 "Searching for a New Identity Politics and Cultural Fusions in David Henry Hwang's Trying to Find Chinatown." <현대영미드라마> 27.1
25 우미성 "Exoticism, Fin de Siecle, and Representation of Asian Women in Late Nineteenth Century Western Culture: Pierre Loti's Madame Chrysantheme." <비교문학> 63
24 우미성 "The "Matriarchal" Home and the 'Monstrous-feminine': A Feminist Look at a Korean Thriller Film, Hide and Seek." <문학과영상> 15.1
23 손가현 & 서홍원 "From the Shadow of Content Words: Function words Illuminating EFL Learner's Writing Proficiency." <영어학> 14.2
22 김찬희 & 서홍원 "Epistemic Rhetorical Stance: Hedges and Boosters in L1 and L2 Students' English Writing." <언어학> 22.2
21 김지원 & 이석재 "A Corpus-based Study on Korean EFL Learners’ Use of Resultive Conjunctive Adverbials." <언어학> 22.4
20 김준식 & 배주경 & 황필야 & 이석재 "Capturing the Characteristics of Korean High School Students at Different Proficiency Levels: Analysis of Verb Errors in Spoken English." <영어교과교육> 13.4