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248 남승원 <기생충>에 나타난 계급 내 반감과 계급 간 동일시 아시아영화연구 14.2
247 송우진 Western Expectation of National Allegories in Korean Cinema: (Post-)Colonialist Embodiments in and 문학과 영상 21.3
246 변자윤 "This verse, that never shall expyre": Edmund Spenser's Literary Consciousness and Confidence in Amoretti 현대영어영문학 65.2
245 변자윤 The Gothic Uncanny in Matthew Gregory Lewis's The Monk 19세기 영어권 문학 24.2
244 지수현 Heavenly Mingle'[d] Masculinity of Mark Antony in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra 영미어문학 139
243 남희정 Creating the Image of Ideal Leaders in Editorials in the Time of COVID-19 사회언어학 29.2
242 남승원 The Decaying Dreams of Capitalism in and 문학과 영상 22.1
241 정운형 Linguistic Features of Donald Trump's Political Discourse: Focusing on Genre Differences and Change over Time 언어사실과 관점 52
240 이혜정 Marie Kondo's Rhetoric - An Analysis from an Aristotelian Perspective 수사학 40
239 김예진 Hitler Rants Memes: The Influence of Internet Memes of Audience Reception and Cultural Archives 영어권문화연구 13.3