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19 최석훈 "The Marionette: Intermedial Presence and B-Boy Culture in South Korea." Theatre Research International 42.2
18 이은경 & Scott Fraundorf. "Effects of contrastive accents in memory for L2 discourse." Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 20.5
17 이석구 "Uncanny Hybridity and Nostalgia Politics in The Yellow Sea." Journal of Asian Studies 76.3
16 김재철 "The Plague and Immunity in Othello." Journal of Literary Semantics 51
15 Terence Murphy & Kelly S. Walsh "Unreliable Third-Person Narration? The Case of Katherine Mansfield." Journal of Literary Semantics 46
14 Dustin Hellberg "Some new ways of thinking about some old ways of reading: transactional aesthetics, literature and the agon." Open Review of Educational Research 4.1
13 이승희 "Acquiescence and Resistance in Disconfirming Responses to Polar Questions." Discourse Processes 54
12 Dustin Hellberg "Human Traffic: The Fashionably and Unfashionably Marginalized in the Korean Cultural Context." IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies 2.1
11 윤사라 "Revisiting New York as an Existential Metaphor in Paul Auster's The New York Trilogy." The Explicator
10 이예담 "Locating a Transnational Film between Korean Cinema and American Cinema: A Case Study of Snowpiercer (2014)." Plaridel 14.1