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8 남지윤 "The Rhetoric of Identity Politics and Subversive Ethnic Representations in Gene Luen Yang's American Born Chinese." <미국학논집> 46.1
7 김현아 "테네시 윌리엄즈 극에 나타난 남성성 연구: '뜨거운 양철지붕 위의 고양이를 중심으로.'" <한국영미문학폐미니즘> 22.2
6 김찬희 & 서홍원 "Epistemic Rhetorical Stance: Hedges and Boosters in L1 and L2 Students' English Writing." <언어학> 22.2
5 김지희 "The Reinvention of Traditional Cuisine as Counterculture." <한국콘텐츠학회논문지> 14.11
4 김지은 "Manly Education and Its Anxiety in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall." <영어영문학연구> 40.2
3 김은혜 "The Politics of Interacial Relationships in Moby Dick." <인문과학연구논총> 35.4
2 구효진 "The Masculine and the Abject: Defiance of the Stereotypical Orient in M. Butterfly." <영어영문학 21> 27.1
1 감경년 "Grant Allen's The Woman Who Did: A Critique on Eugenics and New Womanhood." <영어권문화연구> 7.2