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78 이석구 "분쟁서사 <뮌헨>에 나타난 인종적 재현 연구." <문학과영상> 14.3
77 우미성 "A Feminist Approach to Drama for Children and Young Adults: Female Protagonists in Plays by Suzan Zeder." <영미문학페미니즘> 21.3
76 우미성 "Asian American Male Sexuality Torn Between Communal and Self Identities in Julia Cho's Durango." <현대영미드라마> 26.2
75 김현아 "<미국 연극>에 나타난 미국 역사 다시쓰기의 전략." <영어영문학연구> 44.1
74 김담실 "Directive and Nondirective Tutotring in Writing Centers and Korean Writing Center Training." <예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지> 8.1
73 최초아 "The Negative Potential of the Fool in King Lear and the Politics of Nothing." <밀턴과근세영문학> 27.2
72 임수빈 "A Genre Analysis of Fact-Checking Articles: Discoursal and Linguistic Realizations and Generic Hybridity." <담화와인지> 24.4
71 김혜원 "The Reconstruction of the South Pacific as a Site of Anti-Communist Propaganda in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific." <한국현대영어영문학> 66
70 김현아 "Father Comes Home from the Wars에 나타난인종 정체성의 딜레마." <현대영미드라마> 30.2
69 김담실 & 이성원 "The Effect of Subject-specific Interests for English Class and Self-efficacy on Learning Flow." <언어학연구> 22.3