2021-1학기 대학원 학위논문연구계획서 제출 및 논문심사일정을 안내드립니다.
2021-1학기에 논문 심사 계획이 있으신 분들께서는 반드시 개별적으로 일정을 꼼꼼하게 확인해주시기 바랍니다.
1) 2021-1학기 연구계획서 입력 및 학과제출/승인기간: 2021. 02. 19 (금) ~ 03.19(금)
2) 2021-1학기 예비심사: 2021. 03.26 (금) ~ 04.23 (금)
3) 2021-1학기 본 심 사: 2021. 05. 28 (금) ~ 06. 18 (금)
상세한 연구계획서 승인 및 논문 예심, 본심, 논문 제출 일정은 아래를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.
Students who have passed the qualification examinations(foreign language, comprehensive) are eligible to submit a Thesis Research Proposal. In the period of leave of absence, it is not possible to submit it. The Thesis Research Proposal submitted during the leave of absence will be removed. After returning to school, it is possible to submit it.
1. Submit Thesis Research Proposal & English Name Revision on Yonsei Portal: Feb. 19 (Fri) 2021 ~ Mar. 19 (Fri) 2021
2. Preliminary Evaluation: Mar. 26 (Fri) 2021 ~ April 23 (Fri) 2021
3. Final Evaluation: Final Evaluation: May 28 (Fri) 2021 ~ Jun. 18 (Fri) 2021
Please meet the deadline, and be aware that you might get a disadvantage if you miss the deadline.