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참여교수 학술논문 게재 실적 (2020.09.01-2023.02.28, 이름순 정렬)
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  • Date 2023-04-23 00:34:12
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인간/생명/기술의 융합연구 (9)

·       김준환. T, S, 엘리엇의 『황무지』 제5부 「천둥이 말한 바」 읽기T, S, 엘리엇 연구』 32.1 (2022.04), 1-53. (KCI)

·       박형지. “Queering Madness in Sarah Waters’s Fingersmith.『영미문학페미니즘』 30.3 (2022.12), 35-60. (KCI)

·       서홍원. 성찬과 탐욕 사이에서 - 사탄의 파문과 밀턴의 우주관『인문언어』 24.1 (2022.06), 71-87. (KCI)

·       서홍원. A Critical Survey of Korean Translations of John Milton’s Works. 『신영어영문학』 84 (2023.02), 211-236. (KCI 후보)

·       신경숙. 바이런의 해적읽기: 낭만적 해적과 그 모호성『영미문학페미니즘』 30.3 (2022.12) 5-34. (KCI)

·       양석원. “‘She Did What She Liked!’ : Ethics of Freedom and Desire in Henry James's Daisy Miller.” The Henry James Review 43.2 (2022.04), 146-163. (A&HCI)

·       윤민우. 공감과 공모의 발『영미문학교육』 25.3 (2021.12), 113-143. (KCI)

·       윤민우. 춤과 발 이야기: 도약과 착지『동서비교문학저널』 58 (2021.12), 199-227. (KCI)

·       윤민우. 빨간 구두의 굴레와 여성주의적 재해석: 안데르센과 앳우드『영미문학교육』 26.2 (2022.09) 255-293. (KCI)

·       윤민우. 빨간 구두의 굴레와 여성주의적 재해석: 섹스튼, 데이비스, 김이듬『비평과이론』 28.1 (2023.02), 95-131. (KCI)

·       윤혜준. 자율 공동체로서 서구대학의 역사와 조선기독대학(연희전문학교)『人文科學』 120 (2020.12), 193-223. (KCI)

·       윤혜준. “Bernard Mandeville as a Writer: A Bibliographical and Critical Overview of His Miscellaneous Works.” 18세기영문학』 19.2 (2022.11), 99-129. (KCI)

·       이석구. 자장커의 <무용>(Useless)에 나타난 포스트모던 패션 담론 비판『아시아영화연구』 15.1 (2022.03), 31-60. (KCI)

·       이석구. 다성적 텍스트로서의 <시디그 발레>『현대영화연구』 18.2 (2022.05), 145-169. (KCI)

·       임이연. The “Homosexual Code” in Contemporary Korean Theatre: The Case of Shakespeare’ s R & J in Seoul,“ Asian Theatre Journal 39, (2022.03), 116-132. (A&HCI)

·       임이연. “Queering Romeo and Juliet in South Korea: Homonormativity as Gay Utopian Fantasy.” Theatre Research International 47.3 (2022.10), 222-237. (A&HCI)

·       굿맨로렌 (Goodman, Loren). “The Calm of the Wild: Memory, Inversion and Narrative Authority as a Function of Quarantine in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague.” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and Reviews 35.4 (2022.07), 398-411. (A&HCI)

·       굿맨로렌 (Goodman, Loren). “Variations on a Dream: Kubla Khan in the Contemporary Poetry Classroom.” 『영어영문학 21 35.4 (2022.12) 77-108. (KCI)

·       머피테리 (Murphy, Terence Patrick), Nanna Sophie Zheng. “Character Networks, the Zero Function, and the Lost Character: Solving Three Anomalies in Plot Genotype Theory.” Narrative 31.1 (2023.01) 49-68. (A&HCI)

·       머피테리 (Murphy, Terence Patrick). “The Short Story and Intertextuality: Fictional Discreteness, Textual Self-Sufficiency and the Concept of the Uncanny Resemblance.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 62 (2021.02), 1-14. (A&HCI)

·       백윤석 (Paik, Peter Y). “Forgetting Ahab: Moby-Dick After America.” 『영어영문학』 67.2 (2021.06), 215-236. (KCI)

·       백윤석 (Paik, Peter Y). “A Demonic Shipwreck: On Ernst Jünger’s Wartime Diaries.” 『비교문학』 85 (2021.10), 361-389. (KCI)



◆ 영문학 중심의 비교인문학 연구 (23)

·       김준환. T, S, 엘리엇의 『황무지』 제5부 「천둥이 말한 바」 읽기T, S, 엘리엇 연구』 32.1 (2022.04), 1-53. (KCI)

·       박형지. “Queering Madness in Sarah Waters’s Fingersmith.『영미문학페미니즘』 30.3 (2022.12), 35-60. (KCI)

·       서홍원. 성찬과 탐욕 사이에서 - 사탄의 파문과 밀턴의 우주관『인문언어』 24.1 (2022.06), 71-87. (KCI)

·       서홍원. A Critical Survey of Korean Translations of John Milton’s Works. 『신영어영문학』 84 (2023.02), 211-236. (KCI 후보)

·       신경숙. 바이런의 해적읽기: 낭만적 해적과 그 모호성『영미문학페미니즘』 30.3 (2022.12) 5-34. (KCI)

·       양석원. “‘She Did What She Liked!’ : Ethics of Freedom and Desire in Henry James's Daisy Miller.” The Henry James Review 43.2 (2022.04), 146-163. (A&HCI)

·       윤민우. 공감과 공모의 발『영미문학교육』 25.3 (2021.12), 113-143. (KCI)

·       윤민우. 춤과 발 이야기: 도약과 착지『동서비교문학저널』 58 (2021.12), 199-227. (KCI)

·       윤민우. 빨간 구두의 굴레와 여성주의적 재해석: 안데르센과 앳우드『영미문학교육』 26.2 (2022.09) 255-293. (KCI)

·       윤민우. 빨간 구두의 굴레와 여성주의적 재해석: 섹스튼, 데이비스, 김이듬『비평과이론』 28.1 (2023.02), 95-131. (KCI)

·       윤혜준. 자율 공동체로서 서구대학의 역사와 조선기독대학(연희전문학교)『人文科學』 120 (2020.12), 193-223. (KCI)

·       윤혜준. “Bernard Mandeville as a Writer: A Bibliographical and Critical Overview of His Miscellaneous Works.” 18세기영문학』 19.2 (2022.11), 99-129. (KCI)

·       이석구. 자장커의 <무용>(Useless)에 나타난 포스트모던 패션 담론 비판『아시아영화연구』 15.1 (2022.03), 31-60. (KCI)

·       이석구. 다성적 텍스트로서의 <시디그 발레>『현대영화연구』 18.2 (2022.05), 145-169. (KCI)

·       임이연. The “Homosexual Code” in Contemporary Korean Theatre: The Case of Shakespeare’ s R & J in Seoul,“ Asian Theatre Journal 39, (2022.03), 116-132. (A&HCI)

·       임이연. “Queering Romeo and Juliet in South Korea: Homonormativity as Gay Utopian Fantasy.” Theatre Research International 47.3 (2022.10), 222-237. (A&HCI)

·       굿맨로렌 (Goodman, Loren). “The Calm of the Wild: Memory, Inversion and Narrative Authority as a Function of Quarantine in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague.” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles Notes and Reviews 35.4 (2022.07), 398-411. (A&HCI)

·       굿맨로렌 (Goodman, Loren). “Variations on a Dream: Kubla Khan in the Contemporary Poetry Classroom.” 『영어영문학 21 35.4 (2022.12) 77-108. (KCI)

·       머피테리 (Murphy, Terence Patrick), Nanna Sophie Zheng. “Character Networks, the Zero Function, and the Lost Character: Solving Three Anomalies in Plot Genotype Theory.” Narrative 31.1 (2023.01) 49-68. (A&HCI)

·       머피테리 (Murphy, Terence Patrick). “The Short Story and Intertextuality: Fictional Discreteness, Textual Self-Sufficiency and the Concept of the Uncanny Resemblance.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 62 (2021.02), 1-14. (A&HCI)

·       백윤석 (Paik, Peter Y). “Forgetting Ahab: Moby-Dick After America.” 『영어영문학』 67.2 (2021.06), 215-236. (KCI)

·       백윤석 (Paik, Peter Y). “A Demonic Shipwreck: On Ernst Jünger’s Wartime Diaries.” 『비교문학』 85 (2021.10), 361-389. (KCI)



◆ 탈식민주의/다문화주의 연구 (27)

·       김재철, (서평) 칼리반의 지성이 읽은 프로스페로의 민족주의와 식민주의: 이경원 『제국의 정전 셰익스피어』 (한길사, 2021)『안과밖:영미문학연구』 52 (2022.05) 276-284. (KCI)

·       김재철, “Howard Jacobson’s Shylock Is My Name and the Badiou-Agamben Debate on Paul the Apostle.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 64.2 (2022.10), 284-308. (A&HCI)

·       김준환, 니이 오순다레의 탈-식민, “대체-토착시론새로운 세계문학의 가능성에 관한 단상『현대영미시연구』 26.2 (2020.12), 1-46 (KCI)

·       박형지, “Cannibalism and Race Politics in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.『영어영문학』 68.4 (2022.12), 847-869. (SCOPUS, KCI)

·       신경숙, “Living as a Colonial Girl: The Sonyo ( 少女 ) Discourse of School Curriculum and Newspapers in 1930s Korea.” International Journal of Asian Studies 18.1 (2021.01), 119-134. (A&HCI)

·       신경숙, 윤동주의 지도 - 「눈오는 지도」의 근대성을 읽는 한 가지 방법 -『국제어문』 95 (2022.12), 311-349. (KCI)

·       이경원, “Writing Back to the Imperial Canon: Hybridity and Resistance in Aime Cesaire’s A Tempest.『인문언어』 24.2 (2022.12), 173-198. (KCI)

·       이석구, <피와 뼈>에 나타난 재일 한국인의 정형화와 복고적 욕망『아시아영화연구』 13.3 (2020.11), 95-119. (KCI)

·       이석구, “The Erotic-Grotesque versus Female Agency in Colonial Korea in Park Chan-wook’s The Handmaiden.” Canadian journal of film studies 29.2 (2020.12) 115-138. (A&HCI)

·       이석구, 90년대 이후 자이니치 영화에 나타난 "3의 길문제『디아스포라연구』 14.2, 28 (2020.12), 89-119. (KCI)

·       이석구, 홍콩반환 이후의 예술 영화와 범속성의 정치학『아시아영화연구』 14.1, (2021.03) 35-64. (KCI)

·       이석구, 영화 <GO>에 나타난 자이니치 재현의 양가성『문학과 영상』 22.1 (2021.04), 173-197. (KCI)

·       이석구, “Racial Passing and the Eurasian Question in Kipling's Kim.” International Research in Children’s Literature 14.1 (2022.02), 92-107. (A&HCI)

·       이석구「자장커의 <세계> 나타난 복제 현실의 재고」『문학과 영상』 23.1 (2022.04), 113-140. (KCI)

·       임이연, “Yeats’s Doll and Donkey: Alienating the Upanishads in The Herne’s Egg.” Modern Drama 63.4 (2020.09), 477-496. (A&HCI)

·       임이연, (서평)“Shakespeare and East Asia by Alexa Alice Joubin.” Theatre Journal 74.3 (2022.09), 408-409. (A&HCI)

·       백윤석 (Paik, Peter Y), “North Korea as Exception.” Situations: Cultural Studies in the Asian Context 13.2 (2020.09), 1-15. (SCOPUS, KCI)



◆ 빅데이터/디지털 인문/언어연구 (15)

·       김준환, 이진주, 조찬영, 근대 한국 잡지 속 미국 흑인 시인, 1910-1945--자료 수집 및 디지털화--『현대영미시연구』 28.2 (2022.11), 91-136 (KCI)

·       박우지, 모란, 이석재. “한국인 영어학습자의 명사구 발화에서 영어 능숙도에 따른 관사와 단음절 명사 모음 길이 비교.” 『말소리와 음성과학』 12.3 (2020.09), 33-40. (KCI)

·       박우지, 이현전, 이석재. “한국인의 L2 영어 발화 유창성 등급과 어말 폐쇄음 유·무성성에 따른 선행 모음 길이 비율 차이와의 관계성 연구.” 『언어사실과 관점』 51 (2020.11), 281-298. (KCI)

·       유승미 , 이석재. “한국어 낭독과 자유 발화의 운율적 특성.” 『말소리와 음성과학』 14.2 (2022.06), 39-54. (KCI)

·       유현빈, 이석재. “후행하는 자음의 여러 특성에 따른 영어 모음 길이에 관한 연구.” 『말소리와 음성과학』 14.1 (2022.03), 1-11. (KCI)

·       이석재 - Kim, Bo Mi, Seok Chae Rhee, Sung Rae Cho, and HyangHee Kim, “Acoustic and auditory-perceptual characteristics of Korean stop consonants in patients with idiopathic parkinson’s disease and cerebellar-multiple system atrophy.” Communication Sciences & Disorders 25.4 (2020.12), 954-965. (SCOPUS, KCI)

·       이은경 - Lee, Eun-Kyung. “Look-ahead planning of lexical heads in adjunct-head structures.” Lingua 244 (2020.09): 102904. (A&HCI, SSCI)

·       이은경 - Lee, Eun-Kyung, Tuan Q. Lam, and Duane G. Watson. “The contribution of form repetition to listeners’ expectation of givenness in online reference resolution.” Discourse Process 58.9 (2021.08), 820-836. (SSCI)

·       이은경 - Lee, Eun-Kyung, and Scott Fraundorf. “Do L1-L2 differences in discourse processing reflect processing demands or difficulty of form-function mapping?: Evidence from self-paced listening of contrastive prosody.” Studies in Second Language Acquisition 44.4 (2021.10), 942-966. (SSCI)

·       이원표. “대북 평화, 비핵화 메시지의 담화분석: 설득을 위한 언어 및 담화 전략과 효과에서의 한계.” 『언어』 46.2 (2021.06), 429-480. (KCI)

·       이석구. 전산 문체론으로 읽은 『어둠의 심연』: 부재하는 것의 존재감. 『현대영미소설』 29.2 (2022.09), 113-137 (KCI)

·       이승희 - Lee, Seung-Hee, and Chan Woong Kim. “History-taking questions during triage in emergency medicine.” Research on Language and Social Interaction 55.4 (2022): 326-349. (SSCI)

·       임이연, 일자에서 다수로: 디지털 판본과 인터넷 셰익스피어 전집의 진화Shakespeare Review 59.1 (2023.02), 87-110 (KCI)

·       정은선 , 이은경. “Planning case marking information in language production.” 『언어』 46.2 (2021.06), 237-257. (KCI)

·       차호윤이석재. “초등학생의 영어낭독 발화에 있어 분절적 자질과 초분절적 자질이 청자 이해도에 미치는 영향.” 『초등영어교육』 26.4 (2020.12). 71-93. (KCI)



◆ 참여기간 외의 실적 (16)

·       김기택, 김현우, “Sequential bilingual heritage children's L1 attrition in lexical retrieval: Age of acquisition versus language experience,” Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 25.4 (2022.08), 537–547. (SSCI)

·       김현우, 김기택, “Using a real-time word-naming technique to trace bilingual children's vocabulary development,” Journal of Cognitive Science 22.4 (2021.12), 541–566. (SCOPUS, KCI)

·       김현우, 김기택, 김준희, “Modulation of Topicality in the Use of Implicit Consequentiality Information in Korean Speakers' Predictive Processing: Evidence from Visual World Eye-tracking,” Language Focus and Perspectives 57 (2022.11), 249–279. (KCI)

·       김현우, 나양온, “Applying constructionist approaches to teaching English argument structure constructions to EFL learners,” TESOL Quarterly 55.2 (2021.06), 568-592. (SSCI)

·       김현우, 신규호, “Effect of long-term language use experience in sentence processing: Evidence from Korean,” Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50.3 (2021.06), 523–541. (SSCI)

·       김현우, 신규호, “Effects of verb and construction frequency in sentence comprehension: A case of dative construction in Korean,” Functions of Language 29.3 (2022.11), 274–299. (SSCI, A&HCI)

·       김현우, 천은진, “Effects of topicality in the interpretation of implicit consequentiality: Evidence from offline and online referential processing in Korean,” Linguistics 61.1 (2023.01), 77–105. (SSCI, A&HCI)

·       김현우, 황혜림, “Assessing verb-construction integration in young learners of English as a foreign language: Analyses of written and spoken production,” Language Learning 72.2 (2022.06), 497–533. (SSCI)

·       김현우 Kim, Hyunwoo, Yunchuan Chen, and Xueyan Liu, “Bilingual processing of verbal and constructional information in English dative constructions: Effects of cross-linguistic influence,” Cognitive Linguistics 33.4 (2022.08), 701–726. (SSCI, A&HCI)

·       노은석, 김현우, “The effects of extensive reading on young Korean students’ construction development,” International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60.4 (2022.11), 957–981. (SSCI)

·       박선희, 김현우, “Cross-linguistic influence in the second language processing of Korean morphological and syntactic causative constructions,” Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 12.5 (2022.08), 687–713. (SSCI, A&HCI)

·       박선희, 김현우, “2언어 한국어 정보구조 습득 연구 -여격 구문의 생산과 실시간 처리를 중심으로,” 『한국어교육』 33.4 (2022.12), 71–89. (KCI)

·       박선희, 정진, 김현우, “Resetting parameters in Chinese speakers’ acquisition of Korean wh-phrase,” Linguistic Research, 38 (2021.09), 53–75. (SCOPUS, KCI)

·       성민창, 김현우, “Effects of verb–construction association on second language constructional generalizations in production and comprehension,” Second Language Research, 38.2 (2022.04), 233–257. (SSCI)

·       신규호, 김현우, “Roles of verb and construction cues: Cross-language comparisons between English and Korean sentence comprehension,” Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19.2 (2021.10), 332–362. (SSCI, A&HCI)

·       전보미. “Boredom: Mike Leigh's Meantime and Working-Class Youth in Thatcher's Britain.” Journal of British Cinema and Television 20.1 (2023.01), 74-97. (A&HCI)

·       전보미, “Between Transgression and Conviviality: Everyday Urban Space and the Carnivalesque Strategies in The Lonely Londoners.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 64.2 (2022.06), 163-183. (A&HCI)

·       조규희, 김기택, 김현우, “Children’s interpretation of negation and quantifier scope in L3 English,” Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24.3 (2021.05), 427–438. (SSCI)



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