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[BK특별강연] Prof. Theresa Kelley "Reading for the Future"
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  • Date 2022-04-18 23:29:40
  • Hits 11264

“Reading for the Future”

 Lecture (Zoom) by Professor Theresa Kelley (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

May 7, 2022 (Saturday) 10 am (Korea Standard Time)

For many thinkers, including Romantics themselves, their era was an age of prophecy—of revolution, radical change, new beginnings, perhaps even new worlds.  Yet the Romantic writing that we identify as prophecy is strangely unable to predict the new realities and progress that we, like Romantic writers, thought they could deliver. Instead, prophetic writing in a Romantic key is preoccupied with impermanence, ruin, decline, calamity, loss, extinction, evanescence.  If these motifs are the darkened mode of Romantic prophecy, how do the Romantics, and how do we, read for the future?  I reply to this question by thinking about uncertainty, chance, and contingency, not sure-fire prophecy, as the narrative engines of Romantic futurity.  At issue for the Romantic era, as for our own, is not knowing what the future will be (impossible to know in any era), but working out resources to keep at hand for when we or others get there.   


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