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2022-2학기 영어영문학과 및 BK21 내규 관련 공지 / Notice on 2022-2 English Department & BK21 Regulations
  • Writer manager
  • Date 2022-11-26 21:27:17
  • Hits 6997


2022-2학년도 영어영문학과 내규 및 BK21 내규를 행정서식 메뉴에 업로드하였습니다.

따라서 불이익이 없도록 수정된 내규를 꼼꼼히 읽어주시기를 바랍니다.



<Nov 24. 2022 Version of the Department Regulation.>

Dear all,

The updated version of the 2022-2 English Department & BK21 Regulations is now uploaded on the Download tab.

Please read thoroughly as to not experience any disadvantage.

Thank you very much.


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