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43 윤아름 "Smartphones and Bi-Politics: Public Emotion and MERS in Korean Society" Media, Mobilities, and Identities in the Asia Pacific Conference (2015년 8월 25일-27일 호주)
42 송정경 "The Revival of the Father and Media Control through Ode to My Father" Media, Mobilities, and Identities in the Asia Pacific Conference (2015년 8월 25일-27일 호주)
41 박상호 "Ambivalent Stereotype in Constructing Colonial Discourse in Victorian Travel Narratives" Media, Mobilities, and Identities in the Asia Pacific Conference (2015년 8월 25일-27일 호주)
40 김신아 "Immigrant Workers’ Struggle for Multiple Identities and Cultures in South" Media, Mobilities, and Identities in the Asia Pacific Conference (2015년 8월 25일-27일 호주)
39 우미성 "Theater as an Affective Site for Social Change: Performing a Korean Diasporic Sensibility in Sun Mee Chomet’s How to Be a Korean Woman" 2015 IACS (Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society) Conference (2015년 8월 7일-9일 인도네시아)
38 최석훈 "Theatre as Speech Act: An Examination of the 'Performative' Nature of Theatre Performance" The International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) (2015년 6월 23일-26일 스페인)
37 이석구 "African Diaspora and Re-Drawing the European Cultural Map" The International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) (2015년 6월 23일-26일 스페인)
36 이경원 "Shakespeare's Cleopatra and the Internal Contradictions of Orientalism" The International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) (2015년 6월 23일-26일 스페인)
35 양석원 "Ethics of Desire in Henry James's Daisy Miller" The International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) (2015년 6월 23일-26일 스페인)
34 송정경 "Between Christianity and Humanism: The Individual in Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus" The International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS) (2015년 6월 23일-26일 스페인)