2024-1학년도 영어영문학과 내규 및 BK21 내규를 행정서식 메뉴에 업로드하였습니다.
불이익이 없도록 수정된 내규를 꼼꼼히 읽어주시기를 바랍니다.
내규 파일에 붉은색 표시로 표기된 수정사항은 다음과 같습니다 (이외에도 수정사항이 더 있으니 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다):
1. 담당교수의 퇴직으로 인해 종시출제가 불가한 과목은 석사 종시 분야로 선택할 수 없는 것이 원칙이나, 동일전공 교수가 학과에 있을 경우 대학원 위원회의 승인을 받은 후 응시가능함.
2. 박사과정생 3-4학기생은 의무편수가 100%에서 150%로 늘어났으며 변경된 내규는 2024년 봄학기에 3학기로 진입하는 학생부터 적용됨.
Dear all,
The updated version of the 2024-1 English Department & BK21 Regulations is now uploaded on the Download tab.
Please read thoroughly as to not experience any disadvantage.
The followings are the important updates that are also marked in red in the file (note that there are more updates than these):
1. When professors are no longer available due to retirement to write area tests, the student cannot choose the courses taught by those professors as area distribution fulfillment. However, if the department has other professors teaching the same areas, the student can ask those professors to write area tests upon receiving permission from the graduate committee.
2. Journal publication requirement (PhD students only) - If you are in the 3rd to 4th semester, publication of a minimum of one single-authored essay and one co-authored (two authors) essay in a KCI-listed or well-established overseas journal is required per year. This latter regulation applies to the Ph.D. students who start their 3rd semester in the spring of 2024 or later.
Thank you very much.