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35 김지원 & 이석재 "Korean EFL Learners' Use of Resultive Conjunctive Adverbials in Argumentative Writing" 2014 ALAK International Conference (2014년 9월 27일)
34 Ethan Waddell "Outliers to the Korean Multicultural Discussion: Joseonjok Portrayed as the Constitutional Other to the Korean-Self" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
33 함서호 "Materialistic Death in Victorian Fin-de-Siecle Urban Gothic" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
32 최하영 "Reading the Korean-public’s Perception of Hwagyo in New World" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
31 이예담 "Staging Citizenship in Danger and Negotiating the Individual Privacy and Public Security in Theater in Angel's in America, Part I: Millennium Approaches" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
30 이승연 "Rhetoric of the Korean Diaspora: Critical Reflection on the Analysis of Grain In Ear and Desert Dream" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
29 신정주 "Representation of Asian American Masculinity in Julia Cho's Durango" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
28 송정경 "David Henry Hwang's Yellow Face in Multiculturalism" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
27 박상호 "Re-Orientalizing the North Korea Caused by Nationalism of the South Korea in Film JSA" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)
26 김지희 "Passing and Representation of Identity in Philip Roth's The Human Stain" Yonsei Summer International Conference “Glocal Perspectives on Cinema, Literature, and Culture” (2014년 7월 10일-11일)