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참여대학원생 학술논문 게재 실적 (2020.09.01.-2023.02.28)
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  • Date 2023-04-22 12:49:21
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◆ 비교인문학적 관점 영문학/문화연구 (총 33)



·       권서정, "Diasporic Consciousness of Home in Zainichi Cinema,” 『문학과 영상』 21.2 (2020), 525-553 (KCI)

·       김수연, “The Architecture of Loss by Julia Cho: Racialized Violence of the (White) American Family,” 『미국학논집』 53.1 (2021), 281-305 (KCI)

·       김예진, “Hitler Rants Memes: The Influence of Internet Memes on Audience Reception and Cultural Archives,” 『영어권문화연구』 13.3 (2020), 107-129 (KCI)

·       김지윤, “Hong Kong’s Identity Crisis in Two Different Mourning: The Secret (1979) and ‘Losing the City’ (1994),” 『문학과 영상』 21.2 (2020), 467-491 (KCI)

·       김지윤, “Hysteric Subaltern Modernists: James Joyce, Yun Dong-ju, and Us,” 『비교문학』 83 (2021), 121-155 (KCI)

·       김지윤, “Coexisting With Others as Homo Symbiøus: From the Interracial Encounters in The Tiger Factory and Bandhobi,” 『문학과 영상』34.1 (2021), 233-259 (KCI)

·       김호중, “Archive Drive of the Unprivileged against the Privileged: Ten Years and Alternative Archive,” Plaridel early view (SCOPUS)

·       송우진, “Western Expectation of National Allegories in Korean Cinema: (Post-)Colonialist Embodiments in Burning (2018) and Parasite (2019),” 『문학과 영상』 21.3 (2020), 807-835 (KCI)

·       양혜진, “Visually Gendering Christiana: Part Two of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress,” 『근대영미소설』 27.3 (2020), 199-219 (KCI)

·       이진주, “Modern Ekphrasis Poems: Duffy’s Standing Female Nude and Boland’s Degas’s Laundresses,” 『인문사회21 13.4 (2022), 3155-3170 (KCI)

·       Deborah Kremer, “A Different Approach to Feminism: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Rhetoric,” 『수사학』 40 (2021), 63-87 (KCI)

·       Wafa Saidi, “Diaspora and the Affected Body in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club (1989),” 『영어영문학연구』 49.1 (2023), 109-147 (KCI)



·       김지윤, “Mnemonic Rhythms of the Ukrainian Revolution: Sounds, Affects, and Time in Maidan and Winter on Fire,” 『씨네포럼』 42 (2022), 155-185 (KCI)

·       남승원, “The Decaying Dreams of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby and Parasite,” 『문학과 영상』 22.1 (2021), 431-455 (KCI)

·       남승원, “The Legality of Hamlet’s Modern Revenge,” Shakespeare Review 57.3 (2021), 489-510 (KCI)

·       남승원, “Headhunting as a Façade of the Violence of the Colonized in Seediq Bale (2011),” 『문학과 영상』 23.1 (2022), 163-190 (KCI)

·       남승원, “Intra-class Antipathy and Inter-class Identification in Parasite,” 『아시아영화연구』 14.2 (2021), 35-66 (KCI)

·       남희정, “Creating the Image of Ideal Leaders in Editorials in the Time of COVID-19,” 『사회언어학』 29.2 (2021), 45-76 (KCI)

·       변자윤, “‘This verse, that never shall expyre’: Edmund Spenser’s Literary Consciousness and Confidence in Amoretti,” 『현대영어영문학』 65.2 (2021), 273-286 (KCI)

·       지수현, “‘Heavenly Mingle[d]’ Masculinity of Mark Antony in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra,” 『영미어문학』 139 (2020), 131-45 (KCI)

·       지수현 & 신혜린, “Ecliptic Revolution of the ‘Un-landed’ and ‘Landed’ in Shakespeare’s King Lear,” 『영어영문학』 26.3 (2021), 409-429 (KCI)

·       황정현, “Colonial Vortex as Third World Textual Rhetoric in James Joyce’s ‘An Encounter’ and Wong Bik Wan’s ‘Losing the City,‘“ 『신영어영문학』 80 (2021), 221-246 (KCI)

·       황정현, “Identifying the Genre of the Journals of Musan as Ontological Affective Realism,” Comparative Literature: East & West 5.2 (2021), 179-203 (SCOPUS & ESCI)

·       황정현, “Colonial Repetition as Third World Textual Aesthetics: A Theoretical Approach,” 『동서비교문학저널』 57 (2021), 365-394 (KCI)

·       황정현, “Comparative Organic Reading in the Responsive Rhetoric in Plato's Gorgias, Aristotle's Rhetoric, and Augustine's On Christian Doctrine,” 『동서비교문학저널』 60 (2022), 29-54 (KCI)

·       황정현, 「유기적 미학으로서의 버지니아 울프의 『댈러웨이 부인』과 『등대로』 읽기: 제인 오스틴과 죠지 엘리엇의 소설들과의 연관적 공통어 연구」 『신영어영문학』 82 (2022), 125-159 (KCI)

·       황정현, 「버지니아 울프의 양성주의: 경계를 넘어서는 유기적 미학」 『세계문학비교연구』 80 (2022), 213-247 (KCI)

·       Chen Yue, “The Effects of Pearl S. Buck’s Gender on Her Translation of Expletives in Shuihu Zhuan,” 『영어영문학21 35.2 (2022), 219-242 (KCI)

·       Chen Yue, “Tension between the Libdinal and the Political in The Young Generation (1965),” 『현대영화연구』 46 (2022), 311-333 (KCI)

·       Chen Yue, “Cruel Optimism in Interracial Dynamics between Migrant Workers and Local Koreans in Where is Ronny? (2009) and He’s on Duty (2010),” 『문학과 영상』 23.2 (2022), 367-384 (KCI)

·       Lu Hong, “Cinematics in Space: Heterogeneous Temporalities in Jia Zhangke's Unknown Pleasures (2002) and The World (2004),” 『문학과 영상』 23.2 (2022), 271-301 (KCI)

·       Lu Tian, “The Forgotten Space in Hong Kong: Ann Hui’s Cinematics of Everyday Life in The Way We Are,” 『아시아영화연구』 14.1 (2021), 93-120 (KCI)

·       Zhu Jing, “Monstrocity and Contagion: Response to Non-Human Beings in Frankenstein and Alien (1979),” 『비교문학』 89 (2022), 1-32 (KCI)


◆ 과학인문 분야 통섭적 연구 (총 17)



·       김민, “A Psychoanalytic Reading of Mary Shelley’s Monster and the Death of Victor Frankenstein through the Freudian Concept of Melancholia and Split Ego,” 『동서인문』 15 (2021), 411-431 (KCI)

·       김지윤, “Toward the Planetary Hospitality Beyond the Phallic Jouissance: David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly and Trying to Find Chinatown,“ 『현대영미드라마』 34.1 (2021), 233-259 (KCI)

·       김지윤, “‘Be Bold’ or ‘Be Not Too Bold’: A Renaissance Dialectic of Jouissance in the House of Busirane,” 『영미어문학』 143 (2021), 230-251 (KCI)

·       박예은, “A Connecticut Yankee’s Individuation: The Collective Unconsciousness of an American Imperialistic Dream,” 『영어영문학21 34.3 (2021), 113-132 (KCI)

·       박예은, “A Communal Future: Through the Degenerative Eugenics and Autoimmune Crisis in Dracula,” 『비교문학』 87 (2022), 227-262 (KCI)

·       이슬아, “The Man of the Emotional Economy: Harley’s Arbitrary Sympathy,” 『근대영미소설』 29.2 (2022), 179-202 (KCI)

·       정준영, “Victim or Villain?--The Racist and Homoerotic Corruption of the Anti-Hero, Iago in Othello,” 『인문과학』 124 (2022), 153-176 (KCI)

·       정준영, “Repetitions and Reflections of Misogynistic Monstrosity in Dracula,” 『근대영미소설』 29.2 (2022), 205-228 (KCI)

·       황수현, “Oidipon Kakon: Deconstructing the Gendered Biopolitics of Antigone,” 『영미문학페미니즘』 30.1 (2022), 131-156 (KCI)

·       Deborah Kremer, “Of Knowledge and Truth: Anglo-Indian Society in A Passage to India,” 『영어권문화연구』 15.2 (2022), 291-315 (KCI)



·       김지윤, “‘Pathetic, Obsolete Smiles’ of A Connecticut Yankee: American Modernity’s Self-Derisive Trauma and Afterward,” 『근대영미소설』 29.3 (2022), 79-103 (KCI)

·       김진경, “Contemplation on Life in Žižek’s Pandemic!: The Rise of Biopolitics,” 19세기 영어권 문학』 14 (2020), 157-182 (KCI)

·       김진경, “The Advent of New Object: Posthuman Ontology,” 『영어권문화연구』 15.2 (2022), 137-161 (KCI)

·       남승원, “Edna’s Regression to Infantilism in The Awakening,” 『영어영문학21 34.3 (2021), 255-278 (KCI)

·       변자윤, “The Gothic Uncanny in Matthew Gregory Lewis's Monk,” 19세기 영어권 문학』 24.2 (2020), 57-76 (KCI)

·       Lu Hong, “From Male Gaze to Female Seduction and Its Cinematography in Malaysian Horror Film Dukun,” 『아시아영화연구』 14.1 (2021), 219-248 (KCI)

·       Zhu Jing, “Divine or Devilish: Power behind ‘Mother’ in the Sci-fi Horror Alien (1979),” 『영화연구』 91 (2022), 97-131 (KCI)


◆ 융복합적 인문/언어 디지털 인문학 연구 (총 21)



·       김준환 & 이진주, 조찬영, 「근대 한국 잡지 속 미국 흑인 시인, 1910-1945--자료 수집 및 디지털화-- 『현대영미시연구』 28.2 (2022), 91-136 (KCI)

·       김지윤, “The Future Past of Humanities Research: Musing Methodology in the Digital Convergence Era,” The International Journal of Advanced Smart Convergence 9.3 (2020) 161-168

·       박서희, 「코로나 19 관련 정치 담화에 대한 비판적 담화 분석 : 트럼프와 쿠오모의 연설 비교를 통하여」  『사회언어학』 29.3 (2021), 139-165 (KCI)

·       박서희, 「제도 대화에서의 질문유형과 효과성 분석: 국무총리 인사청문회를 중심으로」  『인문언어』 24.1 (2022), 231-252 (KCI)

·       손지연, 「뉴스 인터뷰어 발화에서/의 기능과 특성」 『사회언어학』 30.4 (2022), 151-186 (KCI)

·       손지연, 「변형생성문법의 변천최소화를 중심으로」  『영어영문학21 35.3 (2022), 219-240 (KCI)

·       유현빈, “Measuring Lexical Sophistication in Written and Spoken Production by EFL Learners,” 『언어과학연구』 100 (2022), 381-406 (KCI)

·       유현빈, 「한국어 뉴스 인터뷰 대화에서 나타나는 관계 설정의 전환」  『사회언어학』 30.1 (2022), 211-237 (KCI)

·       유현빈 & 이석재, 「후행하는 자음의 여러 특성이 따른 영어 모음 길이에 관한 연구」  『말소리와 음성과학』 14.1 (2022), 1-11 (KCI)

·       이혜정, “Marie Kondo’s Rhetoric - An Analysis from an Aristotelian Perspective,” 『수사학』 40 (2021), 243-270 (KCI)

·       장수연, 「표준어와 경상 지역 방언의 한국어 모음 발음에 따른 영어 모음 발음의 영향에 대한 연구」  『말소리와 음성과학』 13.4 (2021), 1-7 (KCI)

·       정준영, “Artificial Friends and Becoming-Machine: A Digital Humanities and Posthuman Reading of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun,” 『신영어영문학』 82 (2022), 161-188 (KCI)



·       남희정, “Thanks to Biden, But No Thanks to Trump: An Analysis of Representations of Biden and Trump in the Democratic Party’s Official Commentary,” 『언어사실과 관점』 55 (2022), 605-630 (KCI)

·       남희정, “Good Albums and Bad Albums: Genre Analysis of Music Album Reviews,” 『언어와 언어학 99 (2023), 1-28 (KCI)

·       정운형, “Linguistic Features of Donald Trump's Political Discourse: Focusing on Genre Differences and Change over Time,” 『인문언어』 52 (2022), 61-102 (KCI)

·       정운형, “A Corpus-based Study of Translation Universals in Korean-English Literary Translation,” 『인문언어』 24.1 (2022), 117-153 (KCI)

·       Chen Yue, “The Projection of China’s National Image during Covid-19: A Corpus-based Analysis of Speeches Addressed by Chinese Leaders on the Global Stage,” 『언어학 연구』 52 (2022), 61-102 (KCI)

·       Chen Yue, “Computational Stylistic Analysis of Science Fictions by Female Writers,” 『새한영어영문학』 64.4 (2022), 97-122 (KCI)

·       Li Yingxuan, “A Data-based Critical Discourse Analysis of Attitude Resource in News Reports on COVID-19 in China Daily,” 『언어학연구』 66 (2023), 175-210 (KCI)

·       Zhu Jing, “‘Going Native’: New Imperialism in Late Victorian Adventure Novels She and Heart of Darkness,” 『현대영어영문학』 67.1 (2023), 199-227 (KCI)

·       Zhu Jing, “Alienation or Assimilation: The Power of Enclosure in Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe,” 『새한영어영문학』 65.1 (2023), 153-183 (KCI)


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