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AAAS 2025 (Asian American Studies) application
  • Writer manager
  • Date 2024-05-30 11:17:16
  • Hits 6367

Dear all,

BK21 programme invites all BK21 students, including schorlarship receipients and participating students, to apply for the BK21 funding for 2025 Association for Asian American Studies conference. 

Please note that in order to receive funding for the conference, you must be a BK scholarship receipient or a BK participating student in the Spring 2025 semester. Please take this into consideration when you apply. 

Other students are also welcome to appy for the course directly themselves if they are interested. 

The conference will be held between April 17 and 19, 2025, in Boston.

Please refer to the link below for more information on the conference: 


If you wish to apply for funding for the conference, please submit the following documents by no later than 1st September, 2024. The deadline may change, and we will announce in advance when any changes happen. 

1) Your updated CV

2) Your transcripts

3) Your best essay (4,000 words)

4) A 150-word abstract for your presentation (for the conference)

5) The list of BK21 events that you have attended until the time of submission. 

Please remember that all MA students who receive funding for the course must submit their articles to a journal within six months from the date of the conference. All PhD students must publish an article within the six months' timeline. 


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