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Notice on the course “Directed Research” (연구지도)
  • Writer manager
  • Date 2024-02-28 12:48:36
  • Hits 6551

Below are some important pieces of information about the course “Directed Research” (연구지도) - I for MA and II for PhD students.


0) What is Directed Research?

Directed Research is a course required by the graduate school regulation; you need to take at least a semester of Directed Research in order to complete your thesis submission process. This course has no class content, and is more of a procedural requirement. Notice how it has no credits (0) and that you only audit the course. You will see this course on your course list if you’re in your 4+th semester, including the 4th.


1) Automatic Registration for Directed Research

For both MA and PhD students, if you are entering into your 4+ semester, you will automatically be registered for Directed Research (I or II). If, for some reason, the course does not appear on your LearnUs when the course registration period begins (because it is supposed to be there around 3-4 days prior), please contact the department office ASAP at english@yonsei.ac.kr. (Remember, this does not apply if you’re still in your first, second or third semester!)

2) If you added Directed Research when you shouldn’t have…

You do not register for Directed Research yourself during the course registration period. If you have mistakenly registered for Directed Research during your course registration period, please contact the department office ASAP at english@yonsei.ac.kr. (e.g. you registered for Directed Research II when you’re an MA student, etc.) You cannot remove Directed Research yourself from your course list! The department OA will help you go through the process. (You can still do this even after the course registration period has ended)


If you have any questions regarding the course Directed Research, please contact the department office at english@yonsei.ac.kr or the head MA TA at englishta@yonsei.ac.kr.


Thank you!


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