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2023-1학기 대학원 학위논문연구계획서 제출 및 논문심사 일정/23-1 Submission and Evaluation schedule of Thesis Research Proposal
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  • Date 2023-02-16 17:32:54
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2023-1학기 대학원 학위논문연구계획서 제출  논문심사 일정을  안내드립니다.

   1) 2023-1학기 연구계획서 입력 및 학과제출/승인기간: 2023. 02. 16 (목) ~ 03. 17 (금)

*** 중요 ***
대학원에서 정한 일정과는 별개로 영어영문학과에서는 내부적으로 연구계획서를 학과 대학원 위원회에서 검토하는 과정이 있습니다.

내규 "예비심사를 받기 직전 학기까지 지도교수 및 심사위원을 확정하고 학위논문 연구계획서(1)[학과지정 양식]을 약 1500자 분량의 영문으로 작성한 후 지도교수에게 제출한다또한심사위원명단 및 연구계획서를 대학원 위원회에 제출하여 승인 받는다 (1학기 2월 20, 2학기 8월 20일까지)."에 따라, 연구계획서를 아직 보내주시지 않은 분들께서는 2월 20일 연구계획서와 심사위원 명단을 석사조교장 이메일로 제출해 주셔야 합니다. (주심교수님 서명 포함)

   2) 2023-1학기 예비심사: 2023. 03. 24 (금) ~ 04. 26 (수)
   3) 2023-1학기 본  심 사: 2023. 05. 19 (금) ~ 06. 21 (수)


Please refer to the following information if you wish to write a dissertation/thesis in the upcoming semester. 

1. Submission of Thesis Research Proposal on Yonsei Portal: 
2023. 02. 16 (Thu) ~ 03. 17 (Fri)

  • To upload the proposal, students should agree to the graduate thesis ethics commitment.

*** Important ***

Apart from the school's general schedule, the English Department requires the students to submit their Research Proposal to the department for preliminary evaluation.

Students who are planning to write their thesis in the upcoming semester must submit their list of advisors and a research proposal to the graduate school committee (i.e. send them to the head TA email with the signature of the Main judge) by August 20th. (*We have a different format for the preliminary evaluation. Thus, please write your proposal using the format attached to this email.)

Below is the specific regulation regarding the instruction above:

"One semester prior to submitting a thesis proposal, an MA candidate must put together a thesis advisory committee, composed of a supervisor and two other faculty members. The student must submit a thesis proposal (1) (departmental format; 1500 words in English) to the thesis supervisor one semester prior to when he or she plans to sit for thesis defense (February 20 for one who plans to defend his or her thesis in the spring; August 20 for one who plans to defend in the fall)."

2. Preliminary Evaluation: 2023. 03. 24 (Fri) ~ 04. 26 (Wed)

3. Final Evaluation: 
2023. 05. 19 (Fri) ~ 06. 21 (Wed)

4. Attention

  •  Please meet the deadline, and be aware that you might get a disadvantage if you miss the deadline. 
  • Especially, if you do not submit the final thesis in time, you will not be able to graduate this time although you’ve passed the final evaluation.

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