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15 박주현 ‘Put the Whole Empire in a Glass Case and Mark it Hors Concours, Exhibit A’: Nagasaki Re-exotified by Rudyard Kipling North American Victorian Studies Association Conference
14 서정은 My Pain Residing in Your Body: Testimony, Narrative Empathy, and the Construction of Social Suffering in Korean Comfort Women’s Memoirs Narrative and Memory: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics Conference
13 최석훈 Korean B-Boy Shows and Korean Cultural Identity in the Age of Glocalization 2018 IAFOR Asian Conference on Cultural Studies
12 신경숙 The ‘Chain of Existence and Events’: Rethinking Narrative Community of Humans, Half-Humans, and Non-Humans in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, The Last Man, and Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Science Fiction and Fantasy International Conference
11 이석재 New English Education in North Korea: A Corpus Approach Fourth Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference
10 윤혜준 Tracing Experience: Assessing Literary Essays of EFL Learners TEFLIN International Conference
9 이승희 Three Forms of Disconfirming Responses to Polar Questions in Korean Conversation 5th International Conference on Conversation Analysis
8 박형지 Setting up Shop in Asia: Joint Universities and the Liberal Arts Celebrating 90 years (1928-2018): Recent Trends and New Approaches in Asian Scholarship HYI 90th Anniversary Alumni Conference
7 우미성 Performance, Technology, and Historicity of the Urban Space: Reading Collective Memories and Desires of Koreans through DDP Technologies of East Asian Performance
6 우미성 Cultural Flows Across Uneven Borders AAS Annual Conference