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27 김준환 니이 오순다레의 탈-식민, “대체-토착” 시론 ―새로운 세계문학의 가능성에 관한 단상 현대영미시연구 26.2
26 윤민우 공감과 공모의 발 영미문학교육 25.3
25 양석원 "Trauma, Emotion, and the Subject: Exploring Shifts Between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience" 영어영문학 66.4
24 임이연 The Ethics of Selfless Action in Hamlet and The Bhagavad Gita 동서비교문학저널 58
23 남승원 Edna’s Regression to Infantilism in The Awakening 영어영문학 34.3
22 황정현 Identifying the Genre of the Journals of Musan as Ontological Affective Realism 동서비교문학저널 5.2
21 황정현 Colonial Vortex as Third World Textual Rhetoric in James Joyce’s “An Encounter” and Wong Bik Wan’s “Losing the City 신영어영문학 80
20 황정현 Colonial Repetition as Third World Textual Aesthetics: A Theoretical Approach 동서비교문학저널 57
19 남승원 The Legality of Hamlet’s Modern Revenge Shakespeare Review 57.3
18 신혜린, 지수현 Ecliptic Revolution of the ‘Un-landed’ and ‘Landed’ in Shakespeare’s King Lear 영어영문학 26.3