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2021학년도 2학기 학위논문연구계획서 제출 및 논문심사일정 안내/Graduate Thesis Schedule for 21-2
  • Writer manager
  • Date 2021-08-05 19:03:11
  • Hits 3933
2021-2학기 대학원 학위논문연구계획서 제출  논문심사일정을 안내드립니다.
2021-2학기에 논문 심사 계획이 있으신 선생님들께서는 반드시 개별적으로 일정을 꼼꼼하게 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

   1) 2021-2학기 연구계획서 입력 및 학과제출/승인기간: 2021. 08. 19 (목) ~ 09.15(수)

* 입력기간은 위와 같으나;
대학원 학위논문 내규 "논문을 시작하는 학기 이전에 지도교수[주심]와 최소 2회 이상의 면담을 실시하고, 면담 후 이를 대학원 위원회에 소정의 문서로 보고한다"에 따라, 8월 20일까지 연구계획서와 지도교수 명단을 제출해 주셔야 합니다. 연구계획서 양식은 별도로 없습니다. A4 용지 한장 이내로 작성해서 제출하시기 바랍니다. 

   2) 2021-2학기 예비심사: 2021. 09.24 (금) ~ 10.22 (금)
   3) 2021-2학기 본 심 사: 2021. 11. 19 (금) ~ 12. 17 (금)

Please refer to the following information if you wish to write a thesis in the upcoming semester. 

Eligibility: Students who have passed the qualification examinations(foreign language, comprehensive) are eligible to submit a Thesis Research Proposal. In the period of leave of absence, it is not possible to submit it. The Thesis Research Proposal submitted during the leave of absence will be removed. After returning to school, it is possible to submit it.

1. Submit Thesis Research Proposal & English Name Revision on Yonsei Portal: Aug. 19 (Thu) 2021 ~ Sept. 15 (Wed) 2021
  • To upload the proposal, students should agree to the graduate thesis ethics commitment.

**Although the submission of the Research Proposal & English Name Revision on Yonsei Portal is according to the schedule above, students who are planning to write their thesis in the upcoming semester must meet the supervisor more than twice to discuss their thesis project before submitting a thesis proposal, and should submit their list of advisors and a research proposal to the graduate school committee (i.e. head of the graduate program, Professor Rhee) by August 20th. There is no template for the research proposal. However, the proposal should be about 1 page (A4) long

Below is the specific regulation regarding the instruction above:

1) MA candidates must meet the supervisor more than twice to discuss their thesis project before submitting a thesis proposal.

-       Students need to submit their advisor’s name and the research proposal to the Graduate School Committee (head of the graduate program) during the break and need to get approval from the committee prior to starting their thesis writing (Deadline for Spring Semester: February 20th; Fall Semester: August 20th)

2. Preliminary Evaluation: Sept. 24 (Fri) 2021 ~ Oct. 22 (Fri) 2021

3. Final Evaluation: Nov. 19 (Fri) 2021 ~ Dec. 17 (Fri) 2021

4. Attention
  •  Please meet the deadline, and be aware that you might get a disadvantage if you miss the deadline. I don't send you reminder emails frequently, so please check your schedule. Also, the schedule will be uploaded on the English Department BK21 Website. Sorry that there are no English version files yet, but I am sure that graduate school will send them soon. I will let you know as soon as I receive them.
  • Especially, if you do not submit the final thesis in time, you will not be able to graduate this time although you’ve passed the final evaluation.

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