3. 신청기간 및 방법
1) 신청기간: ~ 2021.02.05.(금) 낮 12시 (***반드시 마감기한을 반드시 지켜 주시기 바랍니다.***)
2) 신청방법: (1), (2), (3)을 모두 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.
(2) 코로나로 인하여 이메일 제출만을 받을 예정이오니 반드시 파일 제목에 이름 및 제출 서류명을 적어주시기 바랍니다. 예) "홍길동_논문 증빙서류 A"
* 미비된 서류가 있을 경우 장학생 선발과정에서 불이익이 있으므로 반드시 필요한 지원서류를 모두 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
특히, 성적증명서와 논문투고/게재(예정)증명서, 투고형식을 갖춘 논문이 있으신 분들께서는 반드시 서류제출시 함께 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
(3) 유튜브 비디오 (BK 지원/참여 대학원생 한정 / 2021-1학기 신입생 제외한 모두에게 해당; 관련 내용 아래 4-3 참고)
* 유튜브 영상 문학/어학/수사학 관련 주제로 a) 고등학생 혹은 일반 대중 b) 대학원생 혹은 전문 지식을 갖춘 대중을 대상으로 하는 짧은 유튜브 강의 동영상 (5-7분)을 제작.
*장학금 신청서에 동영상 유튜브 링크를 함께 제출
4. 기타 안내 및 유의사항
1) 가계곤란자 우선 선발
가계곤란자의 경우, 신청서의 "지원영역"란에 "가계곤란으로 신청 요망"을 표기해 주시고,
(1) 부/모의 소득 증빙자료 각 1부 (부/모 명의 각 1부, 필수)
(2) 부/모의 건강보험료 납부확인서 각 1부
(3) 그 외 기타 가계곤란 증빙서류를 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
* 초과학기생의 경우, 가계곤란 관련 서류를 제출하시면 정규학기생 배정 후 최우선자로 추천됨을 알려드립니다.
2) 유의사항
(1) 신청 기한을 엄수해 주시기 바랍니다.
3) 유튜브 강의 동영상 관련 사항
* 1년에 한번 씩 유튜브 제작 의무가 있습니다. 저번학기 BK신청 시 유튜브 동영상을 제출 하셨다면 "20-2학기 제출: (링크첨부)"이라고 서류와 메일 모두에 명시해주시기 바랍니다.
* 단, 동영상이 유튜브에 계속해서 존재해야 하며, 링크 확인이 가능해야 하므로 유튜브 영상을 공개로 유지하시기 바랍니다.
* 20-2 학기에 유튜브 동영상을 제작하지 않은 재학생 분들께서는 동영상을 제작해주시고 서류와 메일에 유튜브 링크를 함께 첨부하여 보내주세요.
* 유튜브 영상 관련:
*강의자의 얼굴이 나오지 않는 동영상도 가능합니다. 다만 슬라이드에 강의를 요약한 내용을 보여주고, 강의자의 목소리가 들어가면 됩니다.
* 유튜브 강의는 별도의 공지가 있을 때까지 공개로 유지하셔야 합니다: 지식 생산과 인문학 대중화에 기여하고자 하는 영어영문학과 BK21사업단의 취지를 살리기 위해서는 일정 기간 동안 대중이 접근할 수 있어야 하기 때문입니다.
* 1년에 한번씩 장학생 지원 때마다 새로운 동영상을 업로드해야 하며, 강의에서 다루는 작가와 작품 등을 이전과 달리해야 합니다
* 우수 유튜브 영상 시상: 우수 유튜브 영상 다수 선정 예정; 상금 20만원
Below is the English guideline for applying for the BK 21 Project scholarship.
Brain Korea 21 Project (henceforth BK21 Project) is a government-funded human resources program in Korea that is designed to enhance graduate students’ education and research. As a graduate student, you can be involved in the BK21 Project in the following two ways: BK fellowship recipient or participatory student.
1. BK Fellowship Recipient
1) Eligibility
(1) You must be unemployed, either a full-time MA student in your 1st through 4th semester or a full-time PhD student in your 1st through 8th semester
(2) You must not be a recipient of any other scholarship from the Yonsei Graduate School.
(3) Your GPA in the immediately previous semester must be 3.3 or higher (out of 4.3) without any F(ailing grade) and more than one C+ (or lower) grade from the graduate program.
(4) You cannot teach (as a lecturer) more than 6 credits of university courses (6 hours per week).
2) Benefits
(1) Scholarship of about KRW 4,500,000 for MA / about KRW 7,800,000 for PhD / about KRW 6,000,000 for PhD candidate per semester
(2) Various workshops and colloquia for your research and education
(3) Full funding for attending domestic and overseas conferences and educational programs [contingent upon available funding]
** In case you are applying for an overseas conference, be sure to obtain the International Chair’s approval **BEFORE** your application for the conference.
(4) Reimbursement of publication fees and bestowal of cash awards for scholarly achievements
3) Responsibilities
(1) A minimum of one conference presentation per year [MA and PhD students]
1. If you are scheduled to present your research at a conference, you must submit an acceptance letter to the BK office (Oesol Hall #323).
2. If you are currently an MA student in your 3rd semester and applying for the BK scholarship for your 4th semester, you should have two conference presentations completed;
if you are a PhD student applying for your 8th semester scholarship, you should have four conference presentations completed.
(2) Journal publication [PhD students only]
1. 1st-2nd semester: a minimum of one single-authored paper or two co-authored papers published within your first two semesters
2. 3rd-4th semester: a minimum of one co-authored paper per semester or 1 ½ papers (e.g., one single-authored and one co-authored) per year
3. 5th-8th semester: a minimum of one single-authored paper or two co-authored papers per year
If an 8th-semester PhD student fails to publish a paper within the semester, they will receive a partial scholarship, whose amount is equivalent to that of regular GTA scholarship.
4. Failing to meet the above requirement will disqualify you as a candidate for your next semester’s BK fellowship.
(3) Assisting in the assigned professors’ work (3-5 hours per week)
(4) Attending workshops, seminars and colloquia organized by the department
(5) Writing your thesis or dissertation in English and presenting it at the graduation thesis conference held at the end of the semester
(6) Submitting your thesis or dissertation to an academic journal within three months from your graduation [MA students only]
(7) If you present your research at an overseas conference with BK funding, you must submit your work to an academic journal within six months from your presentation date.
(8) If you co-author a paper, all co-authors must fill out, sign, and submit a hard copy of the Statement of Co-Authoring to the BK office, preferably before journal submission.
2. BK Participatory Student
1) Eligibility: (1), (3) and (4) from the eligibility of the BK fellowship recipient
2) Benefits: (2), (3) and (4) from the benefits of the BK fellowship recipient
3) Responsibilities: (7) and (8) from the responsibilities of the BK fellowship recipient
Alternatively, you can choose to apply for the non-BK student scholarship.
3. Non-BK Student
1) Eligibility
(1) Students who do not apply for the BK fellowship or the participatory scholarship
(2) Non-recipient of any other scholarship from the Graduate School [Ask the head TA if you wish to apply]
2) Benefits: Scholarship of KRW 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 per semester
3) Responsibilities: GTA work of 4-6 hours per week
4. How to Apply
* Application Period: ~ 2021. 02. 05 (Fri) 12pm (noon). (Please submit your application on time)
2) Due to the COVID-19, application are submitted online. Please submit your forms and documents via email.
* Please submit all the necessary documents as there is a disadvantage with insufficient documents.
*Especially, if you have a Journal publication certificate, please submit with your application form.
3) YouTube Video for BK fellowship/participatory applicants (the 1st-semester students in the 21-1 semester are exempted from this duty):
* Create a short (5-7 minutes) YouTube lecture on the topic of English literature, linguistics, or rhetoric.the YouTube link to your lecture
*It is not required that the lecturer's face is shown in the video, but it should include the lecture notes on screen and voice narration.Please do not delete your video until further notice is made. When you are applying for the program every new semester, you should upload a new video with a different topic.
*YouTube requirement is applied in 1 year round. Therefore, for those of you who have submitted your *YouTube link in the 20-2 semester, you don't have to create a new video this semester.
- However, your link should still remain available on YouTube.
- If you have submitted your YouTube link in the 20-2 semester, please mention "Submitted in 20-2: (Link of your YouTube video)" in both application form and email.
*There also will be "Best YouTube Video Award," with cash prize of 200,000 KRW
5. Additional Notes
1) A record of your attendance of department workshops, seminars or colloquium from the previous semester may be considered during the fellowship/scholarship evaluation/selection process.
2) You must contact professors who you are assigned to work for as soon as you are notified of your work assignment.
3) Your performance on your job may affect your fellowship/scholarship for the following semester.
4) Depending on your work assignment, you may work on the Songdo International Campus.
For further inquiries, please contact the head TA (englishta@yonsei.ac.kr)